Help-Copy&Paste code



I forgot to add that I already have the code to select all the tex
boxes, but what is missing is the copy-paste code....

Dim shape_names()
shape_names = Array()
n = 0

For Each ss In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If ss.TopLeftCell.Column = 5 And ss.Type = 17 Then
ReDim Preserve shape_names(n)
shape_names(n) = ss.Name
n = 1 + n
End If

I have attached a template so you can see what my sheet looks like an
the end result.

In columm E there are text boxes that are created when ever new data i
entered in columm C. What I would like to do is a program that woul
search for Text boxes in columm E, and then copy and paste the dat
from columm A,C and D into each respective text box in columm E.

Can anybody help?

Attachment filename: template1.xls
Download attachment:

Tom Ogilvy

You have already received help on this but seem to have chosen to ignore it.
Should others waste their time?

Tom Ogilvy

previously posted:

Sub Tester10()
Dim shape_names()
Dim tbox As TextBox
Dim tboxs As TextBoxes
n = 0
ReDim shape_names(0 To 0)
For Each tbox In ActiveSheet.TextBoxes
If tbox.TopLeftCell.Column = 5 Then
ReDim Preserve shape_names(0 To n)
shape_names(n) = tbox.Name
n = n + 1
End If
Set tboxs = ActiveSheet.TextBoxes(shape_names)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "11/3/2000"
For Each tbox In tboxs
tbox.Text = "11/3/2000" & Chr(10) & ""
End Sub

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