Help connecting to remote Sql server



I am having difficulties connecting to a remote Sql server database in

Lets say my remote server is found at and its name is
MyServer. The database is called MyDatabase.

I drap my SQLDataAdapter on to the form and set up a new connection at
the wizard. I am putting the IP address of my server under server name
and entering my login and password. I get an access denied. Sql Server
Error: 17.

I know when I access a local database I put in something like

Do I need to put something like that when connecting to a remote
server? if so how would I find the name of the instance of my remote
sql server?

Any help you can provide would be great.

Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

* (e-mail address removed) (bill) scripsit:
I am having difficulties connecting to a remote Sql server database in

Lets say my remote server is found at and its name is
MyServer. The database is called MyDatabase.

I drap my SQLDataAdapter on to the form and set up a new connection at
the wizard. I am putting the IP address of my server under server name
and entering my login and password. I get an access denied. Sql Server
Error: 17.

I know when I access a local database I put in something like

Do I need to put something like that when connecting to a remote
server? if so how would I find the name of the instance of my remote
sql server?

Did you have a look at <>?

Bill McCloskey

Yes. sorry should have been

I had already seen that resource but was still unable to connect. Any
other suggestions?


Hi Bill,

If you did it with the wizard, you probably also have done a test for the
connection, did that tell that there was a connection.?


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