Help--Cell value automatically divided by 10



In XL2000, any numerical value entered into any cell is divided by 1
before being displayed--there are no formulas in cell. If a formula i
written using that cell value (the real value), the correct number i
used in the calculation (but not displayed correctly). XL is als
SLOW--glacially slow as a matter of fact.

If I save an XL file on this machine to a floppy and run it on anothe
machine, it runs as expected--ie numbers are displayed as entered (onc
corrected to the real number), and the program runs at normal speed.
Any suggestions as to how to fix this install (and what happened in th
first place)

Andy B


Have a look at Tools / Options / Edit and check the Fixed decimal isn't

NEVER save an Excel file to a floppy or load an Excel file from a floppy.
Always copy the file to your hard drive first. Make a habit of doing that.
Excel can struggle opening large files from floppy, as it creates a
temporary file during use of a file.

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