HELP!! – Cannot write messages??



I use XP, Office 2003 - Recent problem developed, and not know why? Always
worked before....
PROBLEM: Whenever I try to type a message inside a Word document or Outlook
email and press the 'Enter' key to go next line.... my whole message and the
program disappears..
That is Outlook and Word just close and all information disappears into
black hole... cannot find it!!

I have tried reloading Office and also IE 7 in attempt to fix with no luck.
On using virus scan... this was found....

Maybe it is a clue to my problem?? I don’t know??
I have a temporary fix - If I disable all trusted sources of Macros (under
Tools) I can type a message... But I have to disable all the macro requests
each time I open Word and Outlook. There are approx 6 of them….. I am
totally frustrated!!!!!

Any suggestions to get a permanent fix most welcome....Thanks a million...

Roady [MVP]

The virus scanner message and Internet Explorer are irrelevant here. That is
another issue you might want to sort out.

Your troubleshooting with disabling the trusted macro sources would indicate
that your issue is being caused by an addin (probably in Word) you have
installed. Find the culprit and update/disable/uninstall it.


Hi Robert.. Thanks for suggestion... but not sure how to do it?
I have since discovered that running MS Word in safe mode eliminates problem.
I can write and save text, but still tempoary measure.
Does this add any more clues to what problem is?
Any help much appreciated... Cheers

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