Help:About Regex !!!



Here is a string
xxxxx<free:news keyword="gaconel/name" length="30"/><free:info
keyword="title" length="20" recordset="10">
Now I want to use RegEx to get 2 string that from <free: ... />,and I
created a Regex to achieve my thouht.
This is My RegEx:
@"<free:\w[\w\d]*\s*(!!!Not \/>!!!)+\/>"
Please Notice the Regex ,(!!!Not \/>!!!) that I mean that middle of the
string can't include the combination of "/>"
Apparently it is not correct of [^\/>]+ because Regex will match the char of
the string one by one.
Who can tell me what shall I do?

Thanks very much!
Yours Gaconel

Dennis Myrén

I am not sure i understand.
Do you want to extract the values of the attributes or find the entire tag?
Please explain a little bit further.
If you want to find the tag, try:

If this is actually well-formed XML that you are working with,
please consider loading it into System.Xml.XmlDocument
in order to make this a very simple task.


Thank you Dennis!
I want to extract 2 string from the example string
1:<free:news keyword="gaconel/name" length="30"/>
2:<free:info keyword="title" length="20" recordset="10">
because the string is alterble so no one will know what the string is.
but the string must be like <free: ... />.
The string can include "/" or ">" or "/...>" but not "/>".
Can you understand me ?

Dennis Myrén

OK so if i understand you correctly,
<free:news keyword="gaconel/name" length="30"/>
should not give a match, but
<free:info keyword="title" length="20" recordset="10">
should give a match.

Then, try this expression:

Dennis Myrén

If you also want to match only those tags that uses
the free: namespace prefix,
then the expression would be:

Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
Dennis Myrén said:
OK so if i understand you correctly,
<free:news keyword="gaconel/name" length="30"/>
should not give a match, but
<free:info keyword="title" length="20" recordset="10">
should give a match.

Then, try this expression:

Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
Thank you Dennis!
I want to extract 2 string from the example string
1:<free:news keyword="gaconel/name" length="30"/>
2:<free:info keyword="title" length="20" recordset="10">
because the string is alterble so no one will know what the string is.
but the string must be like <free: ... />.
The string can include "/" or ">" or "/...>" but not "/>".
Can you understand me ?


In My document may be :
aabbbbbbbkljfdllkj<free:news keyword="gaconel/name"
length="20"><free:word recordset="10"/>klfjdsljf dsalkfd
salkjfdsalkjf dsal
<free:blush:ther class="..."/>
Maybe there is other tag that is begginning with "<free" and is
end with "/>"
And now I want to find all of the string that is begginning with
"<free" and is end with "/>" and middle
of the string should not include "/>"
What Shall I do?
@"<free:\w[\w\d]*\s*(!!!Not \/>!!!)+\/>"
The same to say that what shall I amend the Regex of "(!!!Not

Dennis Myrén

I assume you want to match any tags using the free: namespace prefix.

Try this:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
Regex rx = new Regex("<\\/?free:[^>]*[^\\/]\\/?>", RegexOptions.Multiline);
MatchCollection matches = rx.Matches(/* Your string */ xml);
foreach (Match match in matches)



my string can be like this <free:news keyword="<>"/
so if use "<\/?free:[^>]*[^\/]>" then
My string will be not match this
the linchpin is in the middle of the string should not include "/>"
combination .

Dennis Myrén said:
If you also want to match only those tags that uses
the free: namespace prefix,
then the expression would be:

Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
Dennis Myrén said:
OK so if i understand you correctly,
<free:news keyword="gaconel/name" length="30"/>
should not give a match, but
<free:info keyword="title" length="20" recordset="10">
should give a match.

Then, try this expression:

Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
Thank you Dennis!
I want to extract 2 string from the example string
1:<free:news keyword="gaconel/name" length="30"/>
2:<free:info keyword="title" length="20" recordset="10">
because the string is alterble so no one will know what the string is.
but the string must be like <free: ... />.
The string can include "/" or ">" or "/...>" but not "/>".
Can you understand me ?

Dennis Myrén

If the HTML document is XHTML(meaning it is well-formed XML)
then i strongly suggest to use XML DOM parser to extract the data.
The HTML you posted was nearly well-formed,
only the free:news element had no end element.
And also, you will have to declare a namespace URI for the free: namespace.
To do that, add an attribute to the root node:
<html xmlns:free="">
(You may change into something else)

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load( /* Name of the file */ filename );
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("free", /* Must match the namespace URI declared in
document */ "");
XmlNodeList nl = doc.SelectNodes("//free:*", nsmgr);
foreach (XmlNode node in nl)

This solution is by far the most stabile one i would say.

Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
my string can be like this <free:news keyword="<>"/
so if use "<\/?free:[^>]*[^\/]>" then
My string will be not match this
the linchpin is in the middle of the string should not include "/>"
combination .

Dennis Myrén said:
If you also want to match only those tags that uses
the free: namespace prefix,
then the expression would be:

Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
Dennis Myrén said:
OK so if i understand you correctly,
<free:news keyword="gaconel/name" length="30"/>
should not give a match, but
<free:info keyword="title" length="20" recordset="10">
should give a match.

Then, try this expression:

Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
Thank you Dennis!
I want to extract 2 string from the example string
1:<free:news keyword="gaconel/name" length="30"/>
2:<free:info keyword="title" length="20" recordset="10">
because the string is alterble so no one will know what the string is.
but the string must be like <free: ... />.
The string can include "/" or ">" or "/...>" but not "/>".
Can you understand me ?


I'm sorry Dennis
Can you amend the Regex base on mine?
@"<free:\w[\w\d]*\s*(!!!Not \/>!!!)+\/>"
You only should tell me How to amend the string "(!!!Not \/>!!!)+" .
The finally result I want is : in the middle of the string I described it as
(.)* can be any monogram but not "/>"

Dennis Myrén said:
I assume you want to match any tags using the free: namespace prefix.

Try this:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
Regex rx = new Regex("<\\/?free:[^>]*[^\\/]\\/?>", RegexOptions.Multiline);
MatchCollection matches = rx.Matches(/* Your string */ xml);
foreach (Match match in matches)


Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
In My document may be :
aabbbbbbbkljfdllkj<free:news keyword="gaconel/name"
length="20"><free:word recordset="10"/>klfjdsljf dsalkfd
salkjfdsalkjf dsal
<free:blush:ther class="..."/>
Maybe there is other tag that is begginning with "<free" and is
end with "/>"
And now I want to find all of the string that is begginning
"<free" and is end with "/>" and middle
of the string should not include "/>"
What Shall I do?
@"<free:\w[\w\d]*\s*(!!!Not \/>!!!)+\/>"
The same to say that what shall I amend the Regex of "(!!!Not

Dennis Myrén

Please evaluate my most recent reply regarding an XML DOM approach prior
to further help.

Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
I'm sorry Dennis
Can you amend the Regex base on mine?
@"<free:\w[\w\d]*\s*(!!!Not \/>!!!)+\/>"
You only should tell me How to amend the string "(!!!Not \/>!!!)+" .
The finally result I want is : in the middle of the string I described it
(.)* can be any monogram but not "/>"

Dennis Myrén said:
I assume you want to match any tags using the free: namespace prefix.

Try this:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
Regex rx = new Regex("<\\/?free:[^>]*[^\\/]\\/?>", RegexOptions.Multiline);
MatchCollection matches = rx.Matches(/* Your string */ xml);
foreach (Match match in matches)


Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
In My document may be :
aabbbbbbbkljfdllkj<free:news keyword="gaconel/name"
length="20"><free:word recordset="10"/>klfjdsljf dsalkfd
salkjfdsalkjf dsal
<free:blush:ther class="..."/>
Maybe there is other tag that is begginning with "<free" and is
end with "/>"
And now I want to find all of the string that is begginning
"<free" and is end with "/>" and middle
of the string should not include "/>"
What Shall I do?
@"<free:\w[\w\d]*\s*(!!!Not \/>!!!)+\/>"
The same to say that what shall I amend the Regex of


Thank you very much Dennis

Dennis Myrén said:
Please evaluate my most recent reply regarding an XML DOM approach prior
to further help.

Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
I'm sorry Dennis
Can you amend the Regex base on mine?
@"<free:\w[\w\d]*\s*(!!!Not \/>!!!)+\/>"
You only should tell me How to amend the string "(!!!Not \/>!!!)+" .
The finally result I want is : in the middle of the string I described it
(.)* can be any monogram but not "/>"

Dennis Myrén said:
I assume you want to match any tags using the free: namespace prefix.

Try this:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
Regex rx = new Regex("<\\/?free:[^>]*[^\\/]\\/?>", RegexOptions.Multiline);
MatchCollection matches = rx.Matches(/* Your string */ xml);
foreach (Match match in matches)


Dennis JD Myrén
Oslo Kodebureau
In My document may be :
aabbbbbbbkljfdllkj<free:news keyword="gaconel/name"
length="20"><free:word recordset="10"/>klfjdsljf dsalkfd
salkjfdsalkjf dsal
<free:blush:ther class="..."/>
Maybe there is other tag that is begginning with "<free"
end with "/>"
And now I want to find all of the string that is begginning
"<free" and is end with "/>" and middle
of the string should not include "/>"
What Shall I do?
@"<free:\w[\w\d]*\s*(!!!Not \/>!!!)+\/>"
The same to say that what shall I amend the Regex of

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