Hellllppp! I'm losing it



Firstly it's probably my fault. My system is set up with two internal hard
drives partitioned with Partition Magic into 5 partitions C - F, H and two
externals hanging off it - G and L.

Whilst I was trying to move a folder from one partition (drive) to another I
also (stupidly) tried to emepty the Norton Recycle Bin. All hell broke loose
and the system hung. I tried shutting down normally - but had to resort to
the 'black button method'. The system refused to cold boot beyond the MS logo.

Hence - I tried repairing using the Windows XP Home CD. However - that
didn't seem to help. In fact drive D disappeared. Trying to access it via the
Windows Explorer window resulted in an error message saying - essentially -
that that drive was toast. The boot up was also slow

So ... I upgraded to XP Pro - thinking that might work - and it did though I
lost all the contents of my Document folders (Pictures and the like) as well
as being disconnected from all my installed software and loosing my Quick bar
contents. However, drive D reappeared under an alias - Drive J. Amazing. I
shut down and rebooted and this time I got the window and a message about a
particular drive index blah, blah. The system proceeded to run an orphan file
recovery process which lasted all nite.

Here's my current problems that i need help with:

1) dragging windows or paging through an application window (such as an
image album) results in a peculiar rippling effect that I can't seem to cure.
I hope that I expressed that clearly enough.

2) I cannot seem to re-acquire or obtain an internet connection )I'm
connected (or was) to a wireless system via a LinkSys USB adapter.

3) My external drives (one Firewire and one USB) are not recognized by the
system and cannot be re-installed using Install Hardware via the control

4) Some of my 'installed' software - when run - protest that a certain
mscrvt*.dll cannot be found. Is there something that I can do to get the apps
to find this .dll or should I just re-install the SW?

5) I have Ontracks file recovery app - do you think that can recover the
contents of my lost Pictures and My Documents folders or am I screwed?


Have you tried using system restore to set the computer back to before the
problem occurred?
Wind Walker


The current Windows install has been 'repaired' once by Win XP Home and then
upgraded to Win XP Pro. Can one restore after that happens?

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