Heads Up - SBC Yahoo! DSL Installer CD file wiped out my drive



I have just spent a week cleaning, reformating, reloading & tuning
Win2KPro/SP4 on one of my laptops. Finally got the desktops like I
wanted them, DSL was working great (without any SBC Yahoo software on
the drive), VNC was working great, etc., and then I made the error of
poking around on the SBC/Y DSL installation CD that I received on April

In that I had been working with VNC and RealVNC, I noticed the following
on the CD:


I recall seeing something about MotVNC and that it used tightVNC, so I
thought cool, I'll fire up the file and see what is in it. Clicked on
the file and allowed it to install into its directory. In that directory
it installed WinVNC, Putty & several other files. So far so good.
Fired up WinVNC, and that seemed to work just fine. Then I noticed in
the installation directory a file named VNCClean.exe. Like a fool I
clicked on the file... and the rest is history.

VNCClean.exe started up, and the next thing I know the drive is going
crazy, the icons start disappearing off of the desktop, running programs
stop and the laptop acts as if it's going into shutdown mode. I powered
off, and what I had left was about 10% of my WINNT directory, some left
over remnents of a few other directories, and nearly 4Gb free space of a
4Gb+ drive. Win2KP recovery tried to work, but couldn't find enough
left over to recover.

To make a long story short; I low level partitioned & formated the disk
and am now in the process of reloading Win2KP and rebuilding the system.

The ONLY good thing about all of this is that I was using the laptop
to test and learn the basics of Win2KP. So I didn't actually have any
really valuable data on it, yet -- just the time & effort of loading
normal working programs, AV's, firewall, etc., and getting it tuned to
the way I wanted it.

So Heads Up: whatever you do, DON'T run the VNCClean.exe file that gets
extracted from the MotVNC.exe file, and yes, I should have known better
than to run an untrusted file. Better yet, take the SBC/Yahoo Installer
CD and mix it in with all of the AOL CD coasters, or use it as frisbee...


Rob said:
Thanks for the heads-up. I only found one link for VNCClean.exe and none for

Scroll down to VNCClean.exe

Wonder IF it is the same file...............

I think it might be... but I just finished getting the laptop back to
working order & I'm not about to try it again to find out :)

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