Headphones instead of speakers



I have a Microsoft digital soundsystem 80 speaker system and onboard sound.
For my children to use headphones instead of speakers and vice versa, i have
to alter the sound setup in audio devices to onboard sound for headphones and
system 80 for speakers. Is there a way i can Profile the hardware simply to
choose which to use.
Hope this makes sense


Hello Germinate
That is not always the case. It can depend on what Sound Manager you have
and the settings you have chosen.
In addition, if you have front headset jack holes and you plug into them,
then with some systems it will mute the speaker system.
Sorting this out can be quite a time consuming operation - believe me I know
from personal experiences. :) :)


I am talking about common speakers that you plug into the sound card / sound
port and the speakers themselves have a headphone jack. When you plug
headphones into the headphone jack on the speakers, there is a switch in the
jack that physically mutes the speakers. I am not talking about a headphone
jack on the front of a computer case - you are right, those can take some
fooling around with to make work properly, if ever or at all.


Hi Germinate
Yes - agreed - the poster did not give any info re makes etc - I was just
suggesting an alternative. Another alternative would be thus:
If he has a simple stereo speaker system, which appears to be the case here,
where he plugs into the two Mobo jacks in rear of the case - this will prob.
be done with a pink and green(lime) coloured jacks.
Only the green jack is required for the speakers. The pink can act as a
headphone jack. The sound manager will need adjustment to recognise the
change over. Of course this will not mute the speakers, but if the poster
has a vol. control 'On' the speakers, he can turn down/off the speakers.
This would save spending money on another set of speakers.
Lets hope the poster bothers to come back and let us know ;-) ;-)

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