Heading Style numbering does not follow



Hi All,

I am modifying some documents that were created by another user who has
since left my company. Unfortunately they did not use appropriate styles in
their documents and so when I go to update things like the TOC all sorts of
problems occurr. Most of them I can handle but I have come accross something
I simply cannot figure out.

I'm using outline numbered headings, i.e.;

1.0 Heading 1
1.1 Heading 2
1.1.1 Heading 3 etc.

The Heading 2 is supposed to follow on from Heading 1. The trouble I'm
having is that my heading two is following on from the previous heading 1
level ie

2.3 Sub Heading Level 2
3.0 Major Heading
2.4 Sub Heading Level 2

I would like it to be

2.3 Sub Heading Level 2
3.0 Major Heading
3.1 Sub Heading Level 2

When I try to format the style and apply it, the 2.x headings become 3.x
headings and the ones following heading 3.0 become 3.x headings, restarting
from 3.1

It is driving me insane, even when I ask it to use Heading 1 as the style
basis, it doesn't help. I have tried to modify the numbering through
format|style and through right clicking and formatting the numbering but
nothing seems ot work. I am using Word 2000. I have checked all the
settings and they *seem* to be correct, but obviously something is wrong.
The restart number after level 1 has also been checked. Any help is much



On the Outline Numbering dialog, click Customize, then click More. At the
lower right is a check box for 'Restart number after ...' and a drop-down
for the level after which the numbering restarts. Experiment with these
options. (Word's numbering is always a bit of mystery.)

Shauna Kelly

Hi Fiona

In addition to Jezebel's suggestion, make sure that you *always* start the
process of modifying heading styles by putting the cursor in a Heading 1
style. Even when you want to edit the numbering for, say, Heading 3, you
must start in a Heading 1 style.

For further info see
How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in your Microsoft Word

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


Thanks Jezebel,

I had tried your suggestion before, but it got me thinking, so I reset the
heading 1 which was causing the trouble (basically re-chose it as a level 1
heading) and magic happened. I must have modified the Heading 1 style for
that heading alone. Very frustrating!

Thanks again for your advice.



Hi Shauna,

Thanks for your advice and help, your word advice document is incredibly
thorough. Working through the logic in it helped point out an earlier
mistake I'd made and wil make going through the next ream of documents that
much easier.


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