HD issue


Dan Conrad

60Gb HD now on checkdisk lists 4 kb as bad sectors -- purchased a 60 Gb
magnetic data HD as replacement and backed up everything on this HD --
after one week this new drive started to make grinding sounds and soon
after could no longer access or even get system to recognize the new HD.

Am assuming this new drive completely failed -- have never had that
happen, but guess was simply defective--are these brand drives known to
have issues--company I purchased from has a return policy and wondered
if I should replace or get a different brand drive?

My other question is -- does the 4 kb bad sector mean my older HD is
about to go? --Thanks.

Steve N.

Dan said:
60Gb HD now on checkdisk lists 4 kb as bad sectors -- purchased a 60 Gb
magnetic data HD as replacement and backed up everything on this HD --
after one week this new drive started to make grinding sounds and soon
after could no longer access or even get system to recognize the new HD.

Am assuming this new drive completely failed -- have never had that
happen, but guess was simply defective--are these brand drives known to
have issues--company I purchased from has a return policy and wondered
if I should replace or get a different brand drive?

In my experience just about all brand drives are pretty much the same
anymore with a few exceptionally bad models (IBM Deskstar and Travestar
laptop drives come to mind). I've seen a few brand new drives go bad in
a short time from every manufacturer I can think of. It seems to be more
common these days, too. I'd probably just get it replaced under warranty.
My other question is -- does the 4 kb bad sector mean my older HD is
about to go? --Thanks.

Possibly. In my experience many of the older IDE drives have worked fine
for years with a few bad sectors but newer drives seem to go downhill
faster, once bad sectors start to develop they have a tendancy to keep
developing. Just my expereince and observation.

Steve N.

Gerry Cornell


4 kb is a single cluster!



Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute

Gerry Cornell


With regard to the original hard drive try HD Tune (freeware).
Download and run it and see what it turns up.

Select the Info tabs and place the cursor on C:\ under Drive letter
and then double click the two page icon ( copy to
Clipboard ) and copy into a further message.

Select the Health tab and then double click the two page icon ( copy to
Clipboard ) and copy into a further message.

Also do a full surface scan with HD Tune.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute

Dan Conrad

HD Tune: WDC WD600BB-00CJA1 Information

Firmware version : 17.07W17
Serial number : WD-WMAAC1122516
Capacity : 55.9 GB (~60.0 GB)
Buffer size : 2048 KB
Standard : ATA/ATAPI-5
Supported mode : UDMA Mode 5 (Ultra ATA/100)
Current mode : UDMA Mode 5 (Ultra ATA/100)

S.M.A.R.T : yes
48-bit Address : no
Read Look-Ahead : yes
Write Cache : yes
Host Protected Area : yes
Device Configuration Overlay : yes
Automatic Acoustic Management: yes
Power Management : yes
Advanced Power Management : no
Power-up in Standby : no
Security Mode : yes
Firmware Upgradable : yes

Partition : 1
Drive letter : C:\
Label :
Capacity : 32883 MB
Usage : 69.52%
Type : NTFS
Bootable : Yes

Partition : 2
Drive letter : D:\
Label :
Capacity : 18002 MB
Usage : 64.57%
Type : NTFS
Bootable : No

Partition : 3
Drive letter : E:\
Label :
Capacity : 6353 MB
Usage : 1.04%
Type : NTFS
Bootable : No

HD Tune: WDC WD600BB-00CJA1 Health

ID Current Worst ThresholdData
(01) Raw Read Error Rate 199 143 51 3 Ok

(03) Spin Up Time 107 98 21 3700 Ok

(04) Start/Stop Count 99 99 40 1585 Ok

(05) Reallocated Sector Count 200 200 140 0 Ok

(07) Seek Error Rate 200 200 51 0 Ok

(09) Power On Hours Count 91 91 0 7240 Ok

(0A) Spin Retry Count 100 100 51 0 Ok

(0B) Calibration Retry Count 100 100 51 0 Ok

(0C) Power Cycle Count 99 99 0 1568 Ok

(C4) Reallocated Event Count 200 200 0 0 Ok

(C5) Current Pending Sector 200 200 0 1 Ok

(C6) Offline Uncorrectable 200 200 0 1 Ok

(C7) Ultra DMA CRC Error Count 200 253 0 0 Ok

(C8) Write Error Rate 200 200 51 1 Ok

Power On Time : 7240
Health Status : Ok
HD Tune: WDC WD600BB-00CJA1 Error Scan

Scanned data : 57219 MB
Damaged Blocks : 0.0 %
Elapsed Time : 35:16
One damaged sector seen -- remainder were OK -- note that when the new
HD went bad -- at same time lost ability to see partition C on first
drive -- per this boards instructions -- got working again with fixmbr
and fixboot.
Any thoughts on drive? Thanks

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