Having problems with textbox setfocus


Terry K

Hello all,
Below is some code that I have been working on. what I am attempting to
accomplish was to ensure that an entry was made in this textbox and
that the entry was numeric. If it was not I am showing a messagebox and
attempting to reselect all the text in that same text box so that the
user could re-enter text. The problem is that it will not go back to
the same textbox. Instead focus continues to the next textbox.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there another setting that I am not
aware of?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Private Sub txttradekm_Exit(ByVal Cancel As msforms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim txttraqdekm As TextBox
With frmEntry
If Not Len(txtTradekm.Text) > 0 Or Not IsNumeric(txtTradekm.Text) _
Or Not Val(txtTradekm.Value) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Entry must be numeric and greater than zero",
vbInformation, "Invalid Entry"
txtTradekm.Text = ""
txtTradekm.SelStart = 0
txtTradekm.SelLength = Len(txtTradekm.Text)
End If
End With
End Sub

Thanks Terry


Try this piece of code:

Private Sub txttradekm_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Cancel = (txttradekm.Value = 0 Or (Not IsNumeric(txttradekm.Value)))
If Cancel Then MsgBox "Entry must be numeric and greater than zero",
vbInformation, "Invalid Entry"
End Sub

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