Hard drive beeping



i will start my computer up and after aout 5 mins or so my computer will start to beep non stop till i reboot then when i restart my computer it starts up again.....
what would be causing that
how do i get it to stop beeping

Thanks for the help

Total Exterminator

RDS said:
i will start my computer up and after aout 5 mins or so my computer will start to beep non stop till i reboot then when i restart my computer it starts up again......
what would be causing that?
how do i get it to stop beeping?

Thanks for the help
What is the beat of the beeps , not kidding ... Total

Jeff McAhren

It could be a temperature alarm from the motherboard. Are the case fan(s)
and powersupply fan(s) still working? Is the processor cooling fan working?
Is your PC getting enough ventilation? Is it free of dust? Just a guess,
it could be lots of other things too.

RDS Chick said:
i will start my computer up and after aout 5 mins or so my computer will
start to beep non stop till i reboot then when i restart my computer it
starts up again......


ya all the fans are working and its getting ventilation
it started beeping about the time i got a worm on my computer the worm was cleared out but the beeping was still there once i got the computer back.

Thomas Wendell

If it sounds like an ambulance (uuu-aaa-uuu-aaa-uuu......) it could be that
S.M.A.R.T. is enabled in the BIOS and the HD is about to give its breath...

(My slave HD (80GB on which is partitioned half for image and other half for
Linux) does so after about 1h making image or 5min using Linux. DriveHealth
reports that T.E.C. date is 2004-05-08). I'm about to go change it on
warranty once again.... (no, temp is only 102 degrees F )

Reply to group
Most learned here on nntp://news.mircosoft.com
Helsinki, Finland (remove NO _SPAM)
(translations from FI/SE not always accurate)


I am guessing at this point but, It may be overheating. Make sure all your
fans are still turning. Fans tend to get clogged with dust after a time,
invest in a can of canned air and blow all the cobwebs and dust bunnies out
of your PC fans. and power supply. Somewhere to start anyhow. With any luck
it may be as simple as that.
The NetNut

RDS Chick said:
i will start my computer up and after aout 5 mins or so my computer will
start to beep non stop till i reboot then when i restart my computer it
starts up again......

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