Hard disk activity


Michael Welch


I've got vista 32 bit and from the moment my pc boots up, i can hear my hard
disk going like the clappers. Even when pc is idle, ie all the time.
Indexing is off btw. Anyone know what this might be and how to stop it?



Synapse Syndrome

Michael Welch said:

I've got vista 32 bit and from the moment my pc boots up, i can hear my
hard disk going like the clappers. Even when pc is idle, ie all the time.
Indexing is off btw. Anyone know what this might be and how to stop it?

If it is not the indexing, it is the automatic defragging. It could also be
the general system maintenance that the system does while idle.

In any case, it is damn annoying, especially if you have a RAID-0 array
containing noisy WD Raptor hard-drives. It drives me crazy sometimes.


Charlie Tame

Michael said:

I've got vista 32 bit and from the moment my pc boots up, i can hear my
hard disk going like the clappers. Even when pc is idle, ie all the
time. Indexing is off btw. Anyone know what this might be and how to
stop it?



No idea why but I found that going to My Computer, clicking on a drive
and looking at properties included an "Index this drive" checkbox and
turning that off seemed to reduce this phenomenon. Sorry this isn't a
very technical answer and it seemed to affect 2 machines out of 3 here
but maybe you think it's worth a try.

Could be some anti malware package scanning the drive, Windows Defender
maybe - that seemed to aggravate my problems also - or it could be
malware. I'm assuming you checked most things though.


Try to look at your "defragmented by Vista" drive with, let's say, Windows
2000's Defragmenter. You'll understand that the red lines that dominate the
image represent your defragmented files. And why we aren't shown any
imagistic progress of what's being done to our files while defragmenting,

Michael Welch

No idea why but I found that going to My Computer, clicking on a drive and
looking at properties included an "Index this drive" checkbox and turning
that off seemed to reduce this phenomenon. Sorry this isn't a very
technical answer and it seemed to affect 2 machines out of 3 here but
maybe you think it's worth a try.

Could be some anti malware package scanning the drive, Windows Defender
maybe - that seemed to aggravate my problems also - or it could be
malware. I'm assuming you checked most things though.

I had checked through most things but:
"No idea why but I found that going to My Computer, clicking on a drive
and looking at properties included an "Index this drive" checkbox and
turning that off seemed to reduce this phenomenon."
Seems to have done the trick! Cheers!

Thanks for the replies!

Charlie Tame

Michael said:
I had checked through most things but:
"No idea why but I found that going to My Computer, clicking on a drive
and looking at properties included an "Index this drive" checkbox and
turning that off seemed to reduce this phenomenon."
Seems to have done the trick! Cheers!

Thanks for the replies!

Well great, if anyone had previously given that answer I had missed it
in this busy group, thank you for posting the result as it may help others.

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