Handling Postbacks if using ISAPI rewrite?



We're using ISAPI rewrite to turn this:


into this actual URL


Up to this point, things have been working perfectly, but we've never had to
do a postback, oddly enough. We're finally adding some functionality and
want to do some post back stuff.

The problems is that a postback keeps trying to reload this page:


Which, of course, is non-existant.

I could add yet another rewrite rule to handle the odd postback URL, but is
there a more proper solution? Is there something I need to set up in my app
so postbacks actually load the proper page?

I've done a bit of googling and it sounds like the issue is simply a
Microsoft Bug. ARGH!



I've done a bit of googling and it sounds like the issue is simply a
Microsoft Bug. ARGH!

OK, through a LOT of googling, I found one possible solution. But I'm a bit
stumped on the instructions.

The answer is on this page, about 3/4 the way down:

namespace ActionlessForm {
public class Form : System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm
protected override void RenderAttributes(HtmlTextWriter writer)
writer.WriteAttribute("name", this.Name);

writer.WriteAttribute("method", this.Method);



if (base.ID != null)
writer.WriteAttribute("id", base.ClientID);

I'm stuck on this:

"Once you have created this class and compiled it, to use it in an ASP.NET
Web application, start by adding it to the Web application's References

I assume I need to take the above, turn it into a DLL, and then reference it
from my VB application. How does one do that?

I tried making a new C# Class Library project, but VS.net didn't like the
'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm' part and wouldn't let me compile.


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