H/R Perspective errors in windows NT4 service pack 6


Charles Suarez

One of our workstations is getting constant errors while
running HR Perspective. ADP is yet to find an answer.
The messages vary I will list the most common
1)"runtime error 2004 there isn't enough memory to perform
this operation. close unneeded programs and try the
operation again." (2) "an application error has occured
and a application error log is being generated
"PWSSRV.exe exception: access violaton 10x00000005\,
address 0x0040989a" (3) the next one starts the same
just the address is diffrent "0x00408700. The last two
errors are in C:\adp\sqlbase. There are three workstations
running HR Perspective all are new P4 2.53ghz 256mb of
ram, Running Win NT4 sp6. I have already applied access
sr2 and installed the latest Jet 3.5, I have also
compacted the database. Any and all suggestion would be
appreciated. Thanks
Feb 5, 2008
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pwssrv.exe and adploc.exe issue

I ran into this today. Worked with the ADP support team.
We did the following cleanup:
Under the C:\ADP\Hrperspective folder there were several databases with locks. Cleared locks renamed - went into Sytem setup - delete users - HR Utilities did a compact - renamed: PerspectiveLibrary.mde and PerspectiveMaster.mdb copied good from CMA00220 then launched HR perspective no issues.Under the C:\ADP\Hrperspective folder there were several databases with locks. Cleared locks renamed - went into Sytem setup - delete users - HR Utilities did a compact - renamed: PerspectiveLibrary.mde and PerspectiveMaster.mdb copied good from another good desktop with no issues then launched HR perspective no issues.

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