Guided Help-pdm.dll Error



When I open Guided Help, It opens with Eerror Message from Guided Help,Saying
Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Preblem and needs to close.(Pdm.dll)
(2936623). To do it automatically, The Guided help is unable to find pdm.dll
file verision Seaching the the computer, I found this version
VS7DEBUG (Version 7.0.94660) The MS Base Knowledge does not throw
understandable solution to this issue.
Has any one assistane to fooer to resolve this issue.


When I open Guided Help, It opens with Eerror Message from Guided Help,Saying
Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Preblem and needs to close.(Pdm.dll)
(2936623). To do it automatically, The Guided help is unable to find pdm.dll
file verision Seaching the the computer, I found this version
VS7DEBUG (Version 7.0.94660) The MS Base Knowledge does not throw
understandable solution to this issue.
Has any one assistane to fooer to resolve this issue.

pdm.dll = Is Microsoft Process Debug Manager
How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer;en-us;308260

1= Click start >> Control Panel >> Double Click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options, on the IE Properties window
you will see these Options:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs
| Advanced .

Click on General Tab (1st Tab on the left) and you will see a Button called
[ Clear History ..] click on it to clear your History caches, then click on
[Delete Files..] to delete Internet Files created over the time, click on [
Delete Cookies...] to delete your cookies left by visiting websites.

Click on Security Tab then on Custom level Button, on the security settings
scroll down under Miscellaneous Option and check this radio Button:
[&] Miscellaneous
[e] Allow scripting of internet Explorer webbrowser control
(*) Disable check this
( ) Enable
( ) Prompt

Click [OK] to close the Security settings and back on the IE window
Click on Advanced Tab, then scroll under Browsing and uncheck these boxes:
[&] Browsing
[ ] Disable script Debugging (internet Explorer)
[ ] Disable Script Debugging (Other)
[ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest)
[ ] Show Friendly URLs

C;lick [OK] to close the IE window and out try the site and see if you get
the error message again.
Scan for malwares on your computer and try these DLLs:
Open a run command and type in:
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
Reboot your computer and see if there is any success.
If you still get the error message then please send the exact error message
please send the exact wording of the error messages, also open the event
viewer and double click the Error Message(X) a pop-up window with the
of the Error will give you more Info about the causer Highlight the Text and
copy then past in your next post.
How To View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP;EN-US;q308427


Dear nass,
Thank you for the prompt and a very usful guidance. I wil give a clear
picture of the Problem for your further consideration.
293623 Guided Help is a Desktop tool that connects to the INTERNET and
diagnoise and correct errors. I am still to run this Tool. It was downloaded
MS Download Center.
My OS Windows XP Professional SP2, and Windows Internet Explorer 7.

Without opening IE 7, I open Guided Help (GH). GH window opens, Connects to
the Internet, downloads somthing then an error message appears from the GH
It says IE has encountered a problem and Needs to Close. (Pdm.dll) (293623)
There is an option, Do it automatically, When selected Internet options is
selected and in advanced tab, Script debugging is disabled . Every thing
closes and GH window reappears With the message, Unable to locate PDM.DLL
(Version That causes the error in IE. Please note that the IE is
functioning alright by it self. The error is comming only when the GH
Connects to the internet to function function.
After disabling Script debugging in the Internet options. Solve the error by
updating the latest Scriptdebugger.
When selected it opens download center and downloads update scd10en.ex
Version 1.0 and installs it in the computer, With the message If the error
persists to get help from support center.
The error still persists.
I have manually searched the Download center for this perticular Process
Debug Manager pdm.dll Version and couldent find.
Because of this error, GH is unable to proceed and is strck in error
correction in initiolisation.
In searching my computer window files this file is not there. However there
two pdm.dll files described as Process Debug Managed and related Office and
Vissual Studio. The Script Debug is missing.
This is the Situation.
I hope I have given you a clear picture of the situation.
Please dont mistaked me for an advanced user.
Hoping to hear from you

nass said:
When I open Guided Help, It opens with Eerror Message from Guided Help,Saying
Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Preblem and needs to close.(Pdm.dll)
(2936623). To do it automatically, The Guided help is unable to find pdm.dll
file verision Seaching the the computer, I found this version
VS7DEBUG (Version 7.0.94660) The MS Base Knowledge does not throw
understandable solution to this issue.
Has any one assistane to fooer to resolve this issue.

pdm.dll = Is Microsoft Process Debug Manager
How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer;en-us;308260

1= Click start >> Control Panel >> Double Click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options, on the IE Properties window
you will see these Options:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs
| Advanced .

Click on General Tab (1st Tab on the left) and you will see a Button called
[ Clear History ..] click on it to clear your History caches, then click on
[Delete Files..] to delete Internet Files created over the time, click on [
Delete Cookies...] to delete your cookies left by visiting websites.

Click on Security Tab then on Custom level Button, on the security settings
scroll down under Miscellaneous Option and check this radio Button:
[&] Miscellaneous
[e] Allow scripting of internet Explorer webbrowser control
(*) Disable check this
( ) Enable
( ) Prompt

Click [OK] to close the Security settings and back on the IE window
Click on Advanced Tab, then scroll under Browsing and uncheck these boxes:
[&] Browsing
[ ] Disable script Debugging (internet Explorer)
[ ] Disable Script Debugging (Other)
[ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest)
[ ] Show Friendly URLs

C;lick [OK] to close the IE window and out try the site and see if you get
the error message again.
Scan for malwares on your computer and try these DLLs:
Open a run command and type in:
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
Reboot your computer and see if there is any success.
If you still get the error message then please send the exact error message
please send the exact wording of the error messages, also open the event
viewer and double click the Error Message(X) a pop-up window with the
of the Error will give you more Info about the causer Highlight the Text and
copy then past in your next post.
How To View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP;EN-US;q308427


If you have a Visual basic 6, it may be the problem or causing a memory leak
, because the code and the way the VS6 handle the memory (not tidy).
Or any other Development Flavour installed like C#, C++. VB, J# can cause
this this, beside the Office suite.
So start with the office, either repair or uninstall and reinstall with
downloading the updates from the MS website.
Then see if the error resolved, if still then try the VB6 (if you have it
installed) either update or uninstall then reinstall the program

Here are more Qs and As for HP:

Dear nass,
Thank you for the prompt and a very usful guidance. I wil give a clear
picture of the Problem for your further consideration.
293623 Guided Help is a Desktop tool that connects to the INTERNET and
diagnoise and correct errors. I am still to run this Tool. It was downloaded
MS Download Center.
My OS Windows XP Professional SP2, and Windows Internet Explorer 7.

Without opening IE 7, I open Guided Help (GH). GH window opens, Connects to
the Internet, downloads somthing then an error message appears from the GH
It says IE has encountered a problem and Needs to Close. (Pdm.dll) (293623)
There is an option, Do it automatically, When selected Internet options is
selected and in advanced tab, Script debugging is disabled . Every thing
closes and GH window reappears With the message, Unable to locate PDM.DLL
(Version That causes the error in IE. Please note that the IE is
functioning alright by it self. The error is comming only when the GH
Connects to the internet to function function.
After disabling Script debugging in the Internet options. Solve the error by
updating the latest Scriptdebugger.
When selected it opens download center and downloads update scd10en.ex
Version 1.0 and installs it in the computer, With the message If the error
persists to get help from support center.
The error still persists.
I have manually searched the Download center for this perticular Process
Debug Manager pdm.dll Version and couldent find.
Because of this error, GH is unable to proceed and is strck in error
correction in initiolisation.
In searching my computer window files this file is not there. However there
two pdm.dll files described as Process Debug Managed and related Office and
Vissual Studio. The Script Debug is missing.
This is the Situation.
I hope I have given you a clear picture of the situation.
Please dont mistaked me for an advanced user.
Hoping to hear from you

nass said:
When I open Guided Help, It opens with Eerror Message from Guided Help,Saying
Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Preblem and needs to close.(Pdm.dll)
(2936623). To do it automatically, The Guided help is unable to find pdm.dll
file verision Seaching the the computer, I found this version
VS7DEBUG (Version 7.0.94660) The MS Base Knowledge does not throw
understandable solution to this issue.
Has any one assistane to fooer to resolve this issue.

pdm.dll = Is Microsoft Process Debug Manager
How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer;en-us;308260

1= Click start >> Control Panel >> Double Click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options, on the IE Properties window
you will see these Options:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs
| Advanced .

Click on General Tab (1st Tab on the left) and you will see a Button called
[ Clear History ..] click on it to clear your History caches, then click on
[Delete Files..] to delete Internet Files created over the time, click on [
Delete Cookies...] to delete your cookies left by visiting websites.

Click on Security Tab then on Custom level Button, on the security settings
scroll down under Miscellaneous Option and check this radio Button:
[&] Miscellaneous
[e] Allow scripting of internet Explorer webbrowser control
(*) Disable check this
( ) Enable
( ) Prompt

Click [OK] to close the Security settings and back on the IE window
Click on Advanced Tab, then scroll under Browsing and uncheck these boxes:
[&] Browsing
[ ] Disable script Debugging (internet Explorer)
[ ] Disable Script Debugging (Other)
[ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest)
[ ] Show Friendly URLs

C;lick [OK] to close the IE window and out try the site and see if you get
the error message again.
Scan for malwares on your computer and try these DLLs:
Open a run command and type in:
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
Reboot your computer and see if there is any success.
If you still get the error message then please send the exact error message
please send the exact wording of the error messages, also open the event
viewer and double click the Error Message(X) a pop-up window with the
of the Error will give you more Info about the causer Highlight the Text and
copy then past in your next post.
How To View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP;EN-US;q308427


Hi Nass,
Thanks once again for the continued intrest in resolving my issue.
Sorry non of the resolutions worked, Please give attention to my last post.
My computer has 2 pdm.dll files, one to Debug script in Office and the other
to do script debugging in Visual Basic. There is no script debug for Internet
For the Guided help to run it needs pdm.dll version6.0.0.8169 for the
Weather Script Debug is enabled of disabled, The IE runs without error.
It is when Guided help is opened this error happens because it does not have
that script Debugger. Even installing the latest script Debugger of the IE is
installed, the error is still there.
Obviously Guided wants That perticular file fo it to run. And I cannot fing
this in the Microsoft Download Center.
You may please think on these lines and find that perticular file.
Thanks once again for you interest


Dear nass,
Thank you for the prompt and a very usful guidance. I wil give a clear
picture of the Problem for your further consideration.
293623 Guided Help is a Desktop tool that connects to the INTERNET and
diagnoise and correct errors. I am still to run this Tool. It was downloaded
MS Download Center.
My OS Windows XP Professional SP2, and Windows Internet Explorer 7.

Without opening IE 7, I open Guided Help (GH). GH window opens, Connects to
the Internet, downloads somthing then an error message appears from the GH
It says IE has encountered a problem and Needs to Close. (Pdm.dll) (293623)
There is an option, Do it automatically, When selected Internet options is
selected and in advanced tab, Script debugging is disabled . Every thing
closes and GH window reappears With the message, Unable to locate PDM.DLL
(Version That causes the error in IE. Please note that the IE is
functioning alright by it self. The error is comming only when the GH
Connects to the internet to function function.
After disabling Script debugging in the Internet options. Solve the error by
updating the latest Scriptdebugger.
When selected it opens download center and downloads update scd10en.ex
Version 1.0 and installs it in the computer, With the message If the error
persists to get help from support center.
The error still persists.
I have manually searched the Download center for this perticular Process
Debug Manager pdm.dll Version and couldent find.
Because of this error, GH is unable to proceed and is strck in error
correction in initiolisation.
In searching my computer window files this file is not there. However there
two pdm.dll files described as Process Debug Managed and related Office and
Vissual Studio. The Script Debug is missing.
This is the Situation.
I hope I have given you a clear picture of the situation.
Please dont mistaked me for an advanced user.
Hoping to hear from you

nass said:
When I open Guided Help, It opens with Eerror Message from Guided Help,Saying
Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Preblem and needs to close.(Pdm.dll)
(2936623). To do it automatically, The Guided help is unable to find pdm.dll
file verision Seaching the the computer, I found this version
VS7DEBUG (Version 7.0.94660) The MS Base Knowledge does not throw
understandable solution to this issue.
Has any one assistane to fooer to resolve this issue.

pdm.dll = Is Microsoft Process Debug Manager
How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer;en-us;308260

1= Click start >> Control Panel >> Double Click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options, on the IE Properties window
you will see these Options:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs
| Advanced .

Click on General Tab (1st Tab on the left) and you will see a Button called
[ Clear History ..] click on it to clear your History caches, then click on
[Delete Files..] to delete Internet Files created over the time, click on [
Delete Cookies...] to delete your cookies left by visiting websites.

Click on Security Tab then on Custom level Button, on the security settings
scroll down under Miscellaneous Option and check this radio Button:
[&] Miscellaneous
[e] Allow scripting of internet Explorer webbrowser control
(*) Disable check this
( ) Enable
( ) Prompt

Click [OK] to close the Security settings and back on the IE window
Click on Advanced Tab, then scroll under Browsing and uncheck these boxes:
[&] Browsing
[ ] Disable script Debugging (internet Explorer)
[ ] Disable Script Debugging (Other)
[ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest)
[ ] Show Friendly URLs

C;lick [OK] to close the IE window and out try the site and see if you get
the error message again.
Scan for malwares on your computer and try these DLLs:
Open a run command and type in:
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
Reboot your computer and see if there is any success.
If you still get the error message then please send the exact error message
please send the exact wording of the error messages, also open the event
viewer and double click the Error Message(X) a pop-up window with the
of the Error will give you more Info about the causer Highlight the Text and
copy then past in your next post.
How To View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP;EN-US;q308427


Okay, let's recap on this once again, when you tried to disable the Add-Ons
the error didn't appear, Am I right?, then it is an Add-ons that causing this
issue, one of two solutions, remove it or try to Update this Add-Ons if you
trust the Vendor?.

If the above does not apply then could you explain for me please what the
weather script mean?.
Also if you know where the path for the application ( in your case the HG)
say it is in the :
C:\Program Files\App you can copy the pdm.dll here and then Reboot your

or try to run this command:
regsvr32 pdm.dll click [OK]

sfc /scannow click [OK] you will need your XP CD for this
let us know.

Hi Nass,
Thanks once again for the continued intrest in resolving my issue.
Sorry non of the resolutions worked, Please give attention to my last post.
My computer has 2 pdm.dll files, one to Debug script in Office and the other
to do script debugging in Visual Basic. There is no script debug for Internet
For the Guided help to run it needs pdm.dll version6.0.0.8169 for the
Weather Script Debug is enabled of disabled, The IE runs without error.
It is when Guided help is opened this error happens because it does not have
that script Debugger. Even installing the latest script Debugger of the IE is
installed, the error is still there.
Obviously Guided wants That perticular file fo it to run. And I cannot fing
this in the Microsoft Download Center.
You may please think on these lines and find that perticular file.
Thanks once again for you interest


Dear nass,
Thank you for the prompt and a very usful guidance. I wil give a clear
picture of the Problem for your further consideration.
293623 Guided Help is a Desktop tool that connects to the INTERNET and
diagnoise and correct errors. I am still to run this Tool. It was downloaded
MS Download Center.
My OS Windows XP Professional SP2, and Windows Internet Explorer 7.

Without opening IE 7, I open Guided Help (GH). GH window opens, Connects to
the Internet, downloads somthing then an error message appears from the GH
It says IE has encountered a problem and Needs to Close. (Pdm.dll) (293623)
There is an option, Do it automatically, When selected Internet options is
selected and in advanced tab, Script debugging is disabled . Every thing
closes and GH window reappears With the message, Unable to locate PDM.DLL
(Version That causes the error in IE. Please note that the IE is
functioning alright by it self. The error is comming only when the GH
Connects to the internet to function function.
After disabling Script debugging in the Internet options. Solve the error by
updating the latest Scriptdebugger.
When selected it opens download center and downloads update scd10en.ex
Version 1.0 and installs it in the computer, With the message If the error
persists to get help from support center.
The error still persists.
I have manually searched the Download center for this perticular Process
Debug Manager pdm.dll Version and couldent find.
Because of this error, GH is unable to proceed and is strck in error
correction in initiolisation.
In searching my computer window files this file is not there. However there
two pdm.dll files described as Process Debug Managed and related Office and
Vissual Studio. The Script Debug is missing.
This is the Situation.
I hope I have given you a clear picture of the situation.
Please dont mistaked me for an advanced user.
Hoping to hear from you

nass said:

When I open Guided Help, It opens with Eerror Message from Guided Help,Saying
Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Preblem and needs to close.(Pdm.dll)
(2936623). To do it automatically, The Guided help is unable to find pdm.dll
file verision Seaching the the computer, I found this version
VS7DEBUG (Version 7.0.94660) The MS Base Knowledge does not throw
understandable solution to this issue.
Has any one assistane to fooer to resolve this issue.

pdm.dll = Is Microsoft Process Debug Manager
How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer;en-us;308260

1= Click start >> Control Panel >> Double Click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options, on the IE Properties window
you will see these Options:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs
| Advanced .

Click on General Tab (1st Tab on the left) and you will see a Button called
[ Clear History ..] click on it to clear your History caches, then click on
[Delete Files..] to delete Internet Files created over the time, click on [
Delete Cookies...] to delete your cookies left by visiting websites.

Click on Security Tab then on Custom level Button, on the security settings
scroll down under Miscellaneous Option and check this radio Button:
[&] Miscellaneous
[e] Allow scripting of internet Explorer webbrowser control
(*) Disable check this
( ) Enable
( ) Prompt

Click [OK] to close the Security settings and back on the IE window
Click on Advanced Tab, then scroll under Browsing and uncheck these boxes:
[&] Browsing
[ ] Disable script Debugging (internet Explorer)
[ ] Disable Script Debugging (Other)
[ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest)
[ ] Show Friendly URLs

C;lick [OK] to close the IE window and out try the site and see if you get
the error message again.
Scan for malwares on your computer and try these DLLs:
Open a run command and type in:
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
Reboot your computer and see if there is any success.
If you still get the error message then please send the exact error message
please send the exact wording of the error messages, also open the event
viewer and double click the Error Message(X) a pop-up window with the
of the Error will give you more Info about the causer Highlight the Text and
copy then past in your next post.
How To View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP;EN-US;q308427


Hai nass,
Appreciate your Continued interest in relolving my issue.
Re.your quarey,weather Svript; I mean IE runs without any errors, Even when
I disable or able Script Deebuging in Internet properties > Advanced .
When I open Guided help, Then this error Appears. Please note that this
Error does not appear When running IE.
Since I do not have XP CD To try your suggestion.

nass said:
Okay, let's recap on this once again, when you tried to disable the Add-Ons
the error didn't appear, Am I right?, then it is an Add-ons that causing this
issue, one of two solutions, remove it or try to Update this Add-Ons if you
trust the Vendor?.

If the above does not apply then could you explain for me please what the
weather script mean?.
Also if you know where the path for the application ( in your case the HG)
say it is in the :
C:\Program Files\App you can copy the pdm.dll here and then Reboot your

or try to run this command:
regsvr32 pdm.dll click [OK]

sfc /scannow click [OK] you will need your XP CD for this
let us know.

Hi Nass,
Thanks once again for the continued intrest in resolving my issue.
Sorry non of the resolutions worked, Please give attention to my last post.
My computer has 2 pdm.dll files, one to Debug script in Office and the other
to do script debugging in Visual Basic. There is no script debug for Internet
For the Guided help to run it needs pdm.dll version6.0.0.8169 for the
Weather Script Debug is enabled of disabled, The IE runs without error.
It is when Guided help is opened this error happens because it does not have
that script Debugger. Even installing the latest script Debugger of the IE is
installed, the error is still there.
Obviously Guided wants That perticular file fo it to run. And I cannot fing
this in the Microsoft Download Center.
You may please think on these lines and find that perticular file.
Thanks once again for you interest


Dear nass,
Thank you for the prompt and a very usful guidance. I wil give a clear
picture of the Problem for your further consideration.
293623 Guided Help is a Desktop tool that connects to the INTERNET and
diagnoise and correct errors. I am still to run this Tool. It was downloaded
MS Download Center.
My OS Windows XP Professional SP2, and Windows Internet Explorer 7.

Without opening IE 7, I open Guided Help (GH). GH window opens, Connects to
the Internet, downloads somthing then an error message appears from the GH
It says IE has encountered a problem and Needs to Close. (Pdm.dll) (293623)
There is an option, Do it automatically, When selected Internet options is
selected and in advanced tab, Script debugging is disabled . Every thing
closes and GH window reappears With the message, Unable to locate PDM.DLL
(Version That causes the error in IE. Please note that the IE is
functioning alright by it self. The error is comming only when the GH
Connects to the internet to function function.
After disabling Script debugging in the Internet options. Solve the error by
updating the latest Scriptdebugger.
When selected it opens download center and downloads update scd10en.ex
Version 1.0 and installs it in the computer, With the message If the error
persists to get help from support center.
The error still persists.
I have manually searched the Download center for this perticular Process
Debug Manager pdm.dll Version and couldent find.
Because of this error, GH is unable to proceed and is strck in error
correction in initiolisation.
In searching my computer window files this file is not there. However there
two pdm.dll files described as Process Debug Managed and related Office and
Vissual Studio. The Script Debug is missing.
This is the Situation.
I hope I have given you a clear picture of the situation.
Please dont mistaked me for an advanced user.
Hoping to hear from you



When I open Guided Help, It opens with Eerror Message from Guided Help,Saying
Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Preblem and needs to close.(Pdm.dll)
(2936623). To do it automatically, The Guided help is unable to find pdm.dll
file verision Seaching the the computer, I found this version
VS7DEBUG (Version 7.0.94660) The MS Base Knowledge does not throw
understandable solution to this issue.
Has any one assistane to fooer to resolve this issue.

pdm.dll = Is Microsoft Process Debug Manager
How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer;en-us;308260

1= Click start >> Control Panel >> Double Click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options, on the IE Properties window
you will see these Options:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs
| Advanced .

Click on General Tab (1st Tab on the left) and you will see a Button called
[ Clear History ..] click on it to clear your History caches, then click on
[Delete Files..] to delete Internet Files created over the time, click on [
Delete Cookies...] to delete your cookies left by visiting websites.

Click on Security Tab then on Custom level Button, on the security settings
scroll down under Miscellaneous Option and check this radio Button:
[&] Miscellaneous
[e] Allow scripting of internet Explorer webbrowser control
(*) Disable check this
( ) Enable
( ) Prompt

Click [OK] to close the Security settings and back on the IE window
Click on Advanced Tab, then scroll under Browsing and uncheck these boxes:
[&] Browsing
[ ] Disable script Debugging (internet Explorer)
[ ] Disable Script Debugging (Other)
[ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest)
[ ] Show Friendly URLs

C;lick [OK] to close the IE window and out try the site and see if you get
the error message again.
Scan for malwares on your computer and try these DLLs:
Open a run command and type in:
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
Reboot your computer and see if there is any success.
If you still get the error message then please send the exact error message
please send the exact wording of the error messages, also open the event
viewer and double click the Error Message(X) a pop-up window with the
of the Error will give you more Info about the causer Highlight the Text and
copy then past in your next post.
How To View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP;EN-US;q308427

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