GridView Vertical Header Text and Sorting



Hello, my headerfields are wider than the datafields, so I wanted to
have my headerfields read vertically like:

| | S |
| | t |
| F | o |
| a | c |
| b | k |
| Y | N |
| N | N |

So I used TemplateField's with HeaderTemplate and ItemTemplate like

<asp:TemplateField SortExpression="Stocked">
<HeaderStyle VerticalAlign="Bottom" Width="15px" />
S<br />t<br />o<br />c<br />k<br />e<br />d
<%# Eval("Stocked")%>

But I lose the ability to sort by this column!

How can I get the best of both worlds here? Sorting and Vertical


Hello, my headerfields are wider than the datafields, so I wanted to
have my headerfields read vertically like:

| | S |
| | t |
| F | o |
| a | c |
| b | k |
| Y | N |
| N | N |

So I used TemplateField's with HeaderTemplate and ItemTemplate like

<asp:TemplateField SortExpression="Stocked">
<HeaderStyle VerticalAlign="Bottom" Width="15px" />
S<br />t<br />o<br />c<br />k<br />e<br />d
<%# Eval("Stocked")%>

But I lose the ability to sort by this column!

How can I get the best of both worlds here? Sorting and Vertical

I'm guessing not possible?

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