Graphics save as BMP - Not simple solution


Bill Beatty

I bundled this question in with somebody elses -- now I
can't find it...
Anyway, when I try to save a jpg or gif -- I get
the "untitled" and Filetype: .bmp save popup. BUT --
nothing changes it. Yes, I've cleared the cache
repeatedly, deleted all of my "downloaded internet
programs" (even those that were functioning properly).
Yes, I've made sure that "Do Not Save Encrypted Pages to
Disk" is UN-checked in the advanced tab. I am NOT an AOL
subscriber. I also unchecked "Enable Third Party Browser
Extensions" in the Advanced Tab at someone's
suggestion... Nothing seems to help. I tried
reinstalling IE 6. No good. I tried some other freeware
browsers but they did the same thing (and seemed to be
based on or using somehow IE6 anyway).
So, here's what happens. When I have cleared the cache
and close IE6. I then reopen the browser and go to a
webpage. As long as it's just a webpage, the first
graphic I click on I can download as its proper filetype.
But that's it. If I try to grab another, I get
the "untitled" .bmp box... So, I have NO idea what to do
about this. I'm running Windows 2000 and use a local
ISP. I have encountered the "full cache" problem many
times before (I surf a lot as part of my job) and that
always solved it (up until about a week ago). I HAVE
installed a program in the interim but it has nothing to
do with graphics or the internet (Libronix, a Bible study
software package from LOGOS software systems). Any help?
I'd really appreciate it.

Bill Beatty

A new piece to the puzzle. It seems the problem is if I
have ANYTHING in the cache, this happens. Whatever the
bug that causes the cache too full problem seems to have
taken over my cache. If I do a Google image search, for
example, and I see a graphic I want to grab, I empty my
cache (even though there's almost nothing in it) and click
on the picture and then I can save it normally. Wierd.
Can't save anything else unless I clear the cache BEFORE
going to the page with the graphic I want on it...

Bill Beatty

Did the trick -- deleting the old one. Of course I had to
jump through some hoops, but it's worth it. So, Bigger is
NOT better with cache size. Man, I clean it out
religiously now.
Thank you SO much,

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