Graphics Card Question



Installed driver for ASUS EAH3650 Silent Magic
graphics card. When check for driver updates via ATI
Catalyst Control Center, shows update to a ATI Raedon
3600 driver.

Unsure if should stick with the latest ASUS driver or
install the RAEDON one. Any info would be much

Max Goldman

pufnstuff said:
Installed driver for ASUS EAH3650 Silent Magic
graphics card. When check for driver updates via ATI
Catalyst Control Center, shows update to a ATI Raedon
3600 driver.

Unsure if should stick with the latest ASUS driver or
install the RAEDON one. Any info would be much

If'n it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Richard G. Harper

In general the rule is, "If it ain't broke don't fix it" but graphic cards
are often an exception to this rule. Updated drivers often offer improved
graphics performance, better game performance, or other benefits. In the
end only you can decide if the upgrade is worth doing or not.


With any OEM graphics card the manufacturer could have included features or
utility software that are only available when their own drivers are
installed. If a new driver release doesn't fix an issue that is relevant to
you, it probably isn't worth bothering to install. MS video driver updates
in particular are liable to remove features that Asus or ATI drivers
provided so beware of letting those install if you want more than basic


Always use the latest from Radeon. In case trouble arises, you can always
use system restore to revert.


Tx to all for the feedback.

As of now, using latest ASUS Driver & related software
and all ok. Will consider changing to Radeon driver as per
last post and have downloaded the one for Vista 32-Bit..

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