Graph help. Experience needed.



I have a list of jobs my company has bid along with how much the bid amounts
were and if we won them or not.

I need a graph that states how many we bid and how many we won seperated in
$5000 increments.

Such as...

0-5000 range 5001 to 10000 range 10001- 15000 range and so on...

Detailed instructions PLEASE!!

Tom van Stiphout

On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 12:44:02 -0700, HoganD87

Using the Northwind sample application, OrderDetails table, I created
a similar query returning the number of orderdetails in the range
0-100, 100-200, etc.:
SELECT Count([Order Details].[ID]) AS CountOfID, (([Quantity]*[Unit
Price])\100)*100 AS AmountCategory
FROM [Order Details]
GROUP BY (([Quantity]*[Unit Price])\100)*100;

Note the use of \ (=integer division) to get the grouping.
Once you have this data, creating the graph should be a simple wizard


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