grant IIS permission to create excel activex object


Steve Richter

I am getting error in a vbscript:
ActiveX component cant create object: Excel.Application.

The vbscript code is:
Dim objExcel
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

I am pretty sure it is a permission issue because the script works when
I point the browser directly at the .htm file on the c: drive:

What is the quickest, best way to grant the IIS user ( aspnet? )
permission to create the activex object in error?


Elton Wang


Steve Richter

Elton said:
Hi Steve,

First of all, it's better not to use Office automation on
server-side. Microsoft does not currently recommend, and
does not support, Automation of Microsoft Office
applications on server-side.

Secondly, if you still want to use it, please check out
following url:


Elton Wang
(e-mail address removed)

Hi Elton,

thanks for the reply. Yes, I have read those articles in the last few
days. The problem does not appear to be a permission issue because I
made ASPNET an administrator on my development system and the problem

Thinking about it, there should be no permission issues. I am not
using Excel on the server side. At least I dont think I am!

<script language="vbscript">
Sub exportbutton_onclick
Dim sHTML, oExcel, oBook
sHTML = document.all.item("DataGrid1").outerHTML
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add
oBook.HTMLProject.HTMLProjectItems("Sheet1").Text = sHTML
oExcel.Visible = true
oExcel.UserControl = true
End Sub

This is all client side scripting, right? So whatever permission is
required should be a function of the client side IE user.

My problem remains and I still dont understand. My demo .htm file,
that runs the above script to copy a rendered <TABLE> to an excel
spreadsheet, works when I navigate to the .htm file via a c: drive
physical path:

but it fails with the "ActiveX component cant create object:
Excel.Application" message when I navigate to it via:

Why cant the ActiveX component create the object?



Lucas Tam

thanks for the reply. Yes, I have read those articles in the last few
days. The problem does not appear to be a permission issue because I
made ASPNET an administrator on my development system and the problem

Have you tried going through the Office PIA instead?

Steve Richter


Elton Wang

Hi Steve,

If you want to run excel automation on client-side via web
page, it is even worse idea. Internet browser has security
limit of restricting to access client-side local
resources. The ASPNET account permission is only on server-
side. You can't set permission to access client-side
resources; otherwise it's very easy for someone to make
harmful code.

Anyway, it seems you just want to export datagrid to excel
file. There is a easier way to do it. You can use
datagrid's RenderControl methos to build a string to
StringWriter object (via HtmlTextWriter object), set
Response.ContentType as "application/", and
use Response.write to output StringWriter's content.
(I can post the code. Each time I posted code of exporting
datagrid to excel, it showed very strange signs. It's easy
for you to search the code.)


Elton Wang

Steve Richter

Elton said:
Hi Steve,

If you want to run excel automation on client-side via web
page, it is even worse idea. Internet browser has security
limit of restricting to access client-side local
resources. The ASPNET account permission is only on server-
side. You can't set permission to access client-side
resources; otherwise it's very easy for someone to make
harmful code.

makes sense. too bad though, it is very functional. And I would still
like to know why it does not work!
Anyway, it seems you just want to export datagrid to excel
file. There is a easier way to do it. You can use
datagrid's RenderControl methos to build a string to
StringWriter object (via HtmlTextWriter object), set
Response.ContentType as "application/", and
use Response.write to output StringWriter's content.
(I can post the code. Each time I posted code of exporting
datagrid to excel, it showed very strange signs. It's easy
for you to search the code.)

I have tested that method and it looks like great functionality. Would
prefer that the excel application start in its own familiar window, but
that is ok.

I guess this method is the prefered, secure way of exporting web page
contents to a client side application. Curious how I can write my own
client side application that functions like excel does in this context.



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