


I've heard some rumors that Google does not work properly in Vista. Is that

Mark Veldhuis


I've heard some rumors that Google does not work properly in Vista. Is that

If you mean the search engine, no problems here at all. Same for Google
Earth and GMail. Haven't tried other Google products, nor do I know of
any problems with them under Vista.


* Harry:
I've heard some rumors that Google does not work properly in Vista. Is that

In what way? Google web search? Google toolbar?
Google Desktop Search? Explain, please.



I've had trouble with searches in the Google Toolbar locking up IE7 under
Vista. So it's disabled for now. Works fine in Firefox though.

Bill Yanaire

Did you even try it?

Of course it's true. Someone told me the other day that Google is slowly
going out of business mostly because of the inability to work with Microsoft
products. I was in a parking lot and the guy who was getting out of his car
was telling the girl next to him this information and I was lucky enough to
hear it all.


Julian said:
Did it not give any details?
Yes, the article mentioned that Microsoft (Vista) is very keen on promoting
its own search engine and is not happy at all with so many people using
Google. Personally I do not think they (MS) can block the use of Google, but
I wanted to be sure because in my case Google is an essential part of the


Harry said:
Yes, the article mentioned that Microsoft (Vista) is very keen on
promoting its own search engine and is not happy at all with so many
people using Google. Personally I do not think they (MS) can block the use
of Google, but I wanted to be sure because in my case Google is an
essential part of the internet.

It is more likely to be IE7 than Vista per se.

Use Firefox or

Mark Veldhuis

Yes, the article mentioned that Microsoft (Vista) is very keen on promoting
its own search engine and is not happy at all with so many people using
Google. Personally I do not think they (MS) can block the use of Google, but
I wanted to be sure because in my case Google is an essential part of the

Ah, you were thinking about Google Desktop then.:,1895,2148570,00.asp

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