GoBack 3 and Compatibility Wizard, WinXP Home



Hi, again -

Didn't know whether to post this as a reply to my other post, or start a new

Is it possible to install GoBack 3 on Windows XP, Home, and then use the
Compatibility Wizard to have it run on the XP operating system? (As you can
tell, I am trying my very best to get this program to run properly for me.)

My thanks.


If you want to use Goback buy Norton Systemworks ,say NSW 2004 from Ebay (
very cheap)and it works fine on XP.

This includes Goback "personal edition" still has enough
function returning system to previous times etc.



Hello, Have GoBack 3 on WindowsXP Home, updated to XP SP1, updated to XPSP2.
Did a stright install from a Adaptec v2.2 CD, no problems. Updated (online)
to GoBack 3 (Roxio). Stopped using System Restore after installing GoBack.
Works fine.
Have you tried to install without using "compatibility wizard"?
Take Care.

Richard Urban [MVP]

No it isn't. GoBack works at such a low system level that you need the one
designated as being for Windows XP. That is GoBack 4, and it's subsequent
upgrade to 4.02.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"


Hi, Beamish -

When I installed GoBack (July '05)it was a 'straight' install.

I asked about the Compatibilty option because I really would like to be able
to use the program with Win XP and was 'grasphing at straws.'


Hello, What happened when you tried to install GoBack3?
May I make a some suggestions?
I had GoBack v 2.2 on a WindowsME machine (sold unit only with os). Used the
cd to update (Roxio online) on a WindowsXP Home machine. Received new cd key
from Roxio and installed GoBack v3.2.1.106 from the download site. Had no
problem installing or using this product for the last 18 months. If installed
two gold triangles "GoBack link" should be in the sysem tray.
Used GoBack3 this am to revert drive because a problem with browsers and
online connection.
Using WindowsXP Home SP2 with all security and critical updates.
Take Care.


I am just a novice. I used GoBack with my 98SE no problem. When I upgraded to
XP Professional, it interfered with XP, so I uninstalled GoBack. Last week,
I shut down my computer (properly) because there was a thunder storm close by
and unplugged the wall plug to the battery backup-surge protector. When I
tried to boot up again the next day, it won't work. Screen said "Windows
could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM". I followed article 307545 to recover from
the corrupted registry but there was no restore point. Just about all
programs were gone and outlook not working, etc. I did a data backup to my E
drive. I have since bought a new HD and reinstalled my XP. If I had GoBack
installed and working, I would have had no problem restalling. I will keep
an eye on any new info on GoBack compatibility. Thanks all.

Richard Urban

I install GoBack 4.02 on many computers for those less knowledgeable
computer users whom I service.

The "final" word? It works great!

Do you know that you are supposed to UNINSTALL GoBack before you upgrade a
computer or do a repair install of the same operating system on top of
itself? Of course you did not read the manual or you would have known this.
That is the reason you have had problems.

Install the operating system first. Then, install all of your huge programs,
such as Microsoft Office - any program that performs so many writes to disk
that GoBack would become quickly clogged with almost useless information.

Personally, I install GoBack dead last on a computer, after everything else
is up and running. Then I turn it over to the customer, fully protected.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Thank you VERY MUCH, Richard. Now I can get the latest GoBack and install
and sleep easier.

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