Globally remove "Append parent suffixes of the primary domain suffix"


Ben Sharrock

DNS Settings by default have a tick in the box for setting:
Append parent suffixes of the primary domain suffix

I want to remove this tick from all Win2k machines on my
domain. I cant find a DHCP option that sets this, I
can't find a Group Policy in any template that sets this,
I can't find the registry entry to make a reg file to run
at logon, is there ANY way to set this option short of
sitting down in from of EVERY machine in the company?

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Ben Sharrock

It's OK, I found a way.

In case anybody is interested, here's what I did.

The reg key is:
(or if you want the tick in the box;

I used a batch file to run the following command which
imports a reg file without user intervention;
regedit /s filename.reg

both batch file and reg file go in the default domain
group policy location for computer configuration, windows
settings, scripts, startup.
(the policy is the batch file, no parameters)


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