Global.asax Session_End()...


James Hunter Ross


In our Global.asax file we implement Session_End() which grabs our own
object and then calls our own logout() method to tidy things up. Code is
below. (We wrap this in try/catch, but presently ignore exceptions, perhaps
we'll start logging something to help us figure this out.)

RSWeb.RSWebApp webAppInfo = RSWebApp.GetRSWebApp(Session);

But, it appears that our logout isn't reliably being called, and licenses
are being orphaned. It appears that when a session times-out Session_End()
is not being called. SO my question...

Is it a good idea for us to assume Session_End will always be called? In
what situations might we expect it not to get called? (Process or
application restarts, I would guess, which is fine for us.)

Any words on this will be very much appreciated. Thank you very much for
anytime you spend on this.

James Hunter Ross

Jeff Siver

In my experience, I don't use Session End as it isn't that reliable. Having
said that, I haven't tried it in ASP.NET; just in ASP. But, in ASP, it
never worked reliably. Also, I would suspect similar problems in ASP.NET.
One thing I noticed in the SQL Session State implementation is that MS uses
a SQL Job to delete expired sessions instead of tying into the Session End
event. So if they don't use it, I wouldn't use it.


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