Ghost XP Home Failure



Dear all,

I facing a big problem and holp you can help me.

I have a 40G hard disk installed Win XP Home. I need to
upgrade it to New 80G. So I use Ghost 2003 and select disk
to disk function.

But When I boot the the new Hard disk, it hold on Windows
logo screen. If I attached the old 40G hard disk in salve
mode, it can boot up. But C:\ become 40G, D:\ become 80G.
In command prompt, it show D:\Windows.... and so on.

Do you have any suggest to upgrade the hard disk ? I don't
want to reinstall everythings. Is the hard disk serial no.
write into the XP ?

Thanks for your help so much.

B. Reg,

I'm Dan

Meow said:
I have a 40G hard disk installed Win XP Home. I need to
upgrade it to New 80G. So I use Ghost 2003 and select disk
to disk function.

But When I boot the the new Hard disk, it hold on Windows
logo screen. If I attached the old 40G hard disk in salve
mode, it can boot up. But C:\ become 40G, D:\ become 80G.
In command prompt, it show D:\Windows.... and so on.

Remove the slave drive and try booting from a Win98 boot floppy (see if you don't have one). At the command prompt, enter
the command "fdisk /mbr", then reboot from the HDD and see if that fixes


Thanks for reply. But the point is it can boot up, can
see the windows logo, look loading something, the HD LED
is flashing about 30 seconds, but it hang on it. It look
write something or some protecting in XP on the old Hard
Disk. Does anyone know ? Please help. Thanks a lot.

B. Reg,

I'm Dan

Thanks for reply. But the point is it can boot up, can
see the windows logo, look loading something, the HD
LED is flashing about 30 seconds, but it hang on it. It look
write something or some protecting in XP on the old Hard
Disk. Does anyone know ? Please help. Thanks a lot.

Did you try the "fdisk /mbr" fix? The fact that the 80G comes up as D:
proves your problem is the partition signatures already recorded in XP's
registry. Your 80G is trying to boot up as C: (which is the way it
should be), but the registry says the 80G is already assigned D:, thus
it hangs in mid-boot. The "fdisk /mbr" command sometimes works to force
XP to forget it had already assigned the 80G as D: and regenerate the
partition signature. Go to and download a Win98 boot
disk and give it a try.

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