Ghost 9 Incremental Backups problem



I have just installed Ghost 9 and have done a baseline backup onto a
separate hard disk of 40GB. I now want to do an incremental backup and
here is what I am doing:
I "Run Job Now" and am getting the "Backup Type" window. This window
has three options:
1. A full independant backup
2. A baseline backup
3. An incremental backup of recent changes.

My problem is that the third option, which I need, is dimmed and I
wonder why?

Thanks for your help.


If by separate you mean an external drive, the manual states that
incremental backups cannot be saved to removable media.




What I mean by separate is a 40Gb Western Digital hard disc which is
mounted in a StarTech rack that supports Ultra IDE/66/100 hard drives.
I am inserting the rack into the drawer when I want to run a job and
pulling it out when I finish the backup. My routine for inserting the
rack is to turn off the pc, insert the rack and then turn the pc on.
The pulling out is also done after turning off the pc.
Is this considered a removable media?



The website says that there is this Swap Manager software. Did you
install it or any other drivers? If yes, odds are it told the computer
that this is removable. You can check properties also to see if the
removable box is checked.



1. I have never installed Swap Manager.
2. Where do I find the removable box with the check option. I have
looked in the Device Manager properties of my 40GB hard disk (my backup
drive) and have not found such a box.


The removable box is provided by certain drivers. If you did not
install a driver, then you won't get the box.

I have no other brilliant ideas to run your scheduled job. It does seem
that the OS or the program has figured out that the drive is not there
all the time, and therefore must be removable.
Perhaps you can run it manually, not on a schedule.


Josh said:
I have just installed Ghost 9 and have done a baseline backup onto a
separate hard disk of 40GB. I now want to do an incremental backup and
here is what I am doing:
I "Run Job Now" and am getting the "Backup Type" window. This window
has three options:
1. A full independant backup
2. A baseline backup
3. An incremental backup of recent changes.

My problem is that the third option, which I need, is dimmed and I
wonder why?

I can't reproduce your problem. I created a job to image a drive,
selecting the "baseline with incrementals" option on one of the first
wizard screens. I didn't schedule it, but elected to run it
immediately. It created a v2i file with 001 tacked on the end of the
filename. Sometime later, I went back and highlighted the job and
selected "Run Job Now". The Backup Type dialog box came up with
option 3 pre-selected. Did you follow all those steps?
Colin Sewell mailto:[email protected]
Vancouver, BC

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