Getting The Process ID for an Executable Path


Hayato Iriumi


I have a need to kill a process. It sounds each enough, but the problem is
that I have multiple executables running from different paths. Say, I have
MyService.exe running from C:\FolderA and the same MyService.exe running in
C:\FolderB. I want to kill the process that is running under C:\FolderA. So
I guess I have a need to get the Process ID for the executable under

How can I kill the process when you know the path to the executable?


Derek Griffiths

I'd use the registry or a textfile. Have each process create a key with
its' path and use the process ID for the value (after it's started). When
you kill the process delete the key. If you want to use a textfile, then
put it in %tmp% and have it track the path of all executables and process
ids. The textfile is probably the more difficult route.

Hayato Iriumi

ew... I personally don't like that.

I did though came up with this piece of code. Answer to my own question...

public static void KillProcess(string ExecutablePath)


string strTargetProcessName =

Process[] Processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(strTargetProcessName);

foreach(Process p in Processes)


foreach(ProcessModule m in p.Modules)


if(ExecutablePath.ToLower() == m.FileName.ToLower())








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