Getting Rid Of Hyperlinks In Microsoft WordPerfect 10



I am doing a bibliography page for school and the teacher does not want
hyperlinks in it. At school it is easy to get rid of them but WordPerfect
made it a little bit more challenging. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of
Hyperlinks in WordPerfect 10?



I am sorry you have to work in WordPerfect, I prefer Word too, and next
question you need help with re: WordPerfect should probably be posted there
rather than the Word newsgroup... But in WP v10, to remove the hyperlinks in
all of your document, choose Tools/Settings/Envrionment/the General tab/ and
uncheck the Activate Hyperlinks selection. You may, however, still have to
change the font color and underline formatting afterward - depending on other
WordPerfect settings.

If you want hyperlinks in other documents after this one, remember to check
the setting, or just do a roll-over with you mouse to see if the pointing
hand indicates that hyperlinks are now active. Have fun and good luck in

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