Getting rid of Dialog Box.


Denzil Hathway

When I open Access 2000 (from a MSAccess.exe shortcut on my Desktop) it
opens showing a Dialog Box that has Radio buttons pointing to 1) Blank
Access Database 2) Access database wizards, pages and projects and 3) Open
an existing file. I don't like this box. I have the choice of checking a
Radio button and checking OK or I can remove the box by checking Cancel or
X, to X it out. How can I prevent it, the box, from appearing in the first
place? I can't find an option to do this, I don't know what the box is
called anyway.

Anyone know ?- how to prevent the box from appearing that is, not what it is
called. Many thanks, with regards, Denzil

Wayne Morgan

I don't have 2000 loaded to check this, but try the /nostartup switch. There
may also be a setting in the Tools|Options dialog box.

Example command line:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Msaccess.exe" /nostartup

Denzil Hathway

Thanks for the response. I went off too fast on this one. There is of course
an option in Tools Option to check the "Show Startup Box" or not. I found it
the moment I sent my question, but too late to stop it going out. Thanks for
your interest. Denzil.


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