Getting Maximized Windows in high resolution issue


Brad Walker

Maybe I'm just a newbie when I ask this question... but I run windows xp in
1024x768 resolution which works great. I am using the classic (Win2k/98)
desktop theme. When I open a folder such as a newly created one on myd
esktop or the c:\windows folder, they all open not fully maximized. It's
like they are opening fully maximized for 800x600 resolution, but not
1024x768. I would like it when I open any folder that it would open fully
maximized on the screen.

My question is, is there anyway to change this so I'm not constantly
clicking on the middle window maximize button? It's just personal
preference for me but I would like to have this changed.



Right click on the shortcut you use and click Properties. In the Run
window, change Normal Window to Maximized. Clicking the Maximize button
does not change the resolution from 800x600 to 1024x768, only the size of
the window.


If icon sizes and fonts are correct, drag the unmaximized window corners to
the screen corners, then hold Shift wile clicking on the "X". This window
and all subfolders in it should open maximized next time.


Brad Walker

I tried that and unfortuantely it didn't work. The main window opened 99%
maximized but a subfolder didn't.

Isn't there a registry setting that tells all windows to open maximized...
or maybe I just thought I saw that one time?


Brad, you can stretch the window to almost full size then click File, then
Close and this size will be remembered. It works for OE, IE and Windows
Explorer and will also work with different apps. If you open a link in IE
and follow the above procedure then all links from then on will open to that
size. Same with OE if you open an email.
For all windows to open "maximized" a 3rd party app will be required.

E. Barry Bruyea

Maybe I'm just a newbie when I ask this question... but I run windows xp in
1024x768 resolution which works great. I am using the classic (Win2k/98)
desktop theme. When I open a folder such as a newly created one on myd
esktop or the c:\windows folder, they all open not fully maximized. It's
like they are opening fully maximized for 800x600 resolution, but not
1024x768. I would like it when I open any folder that it would open fully
maximized on the screen.

My question is, is there anyway to change this so I'm not constantly
clicking on the middle window maximize button? It's just personal
preference for me but I would like to have this changed.


Have you tried right clicking while at your desktop? There is an
option there to open maximized.

David Candy

This is Windows. The concept of windows is central to Windows. Maxamising
defeats the purpose of multiple windows. There is no registry setting that
tell all windows to open maximised. Each program decides about it's own
windows. Even where an advisory is given to a program it's up to the program
to specifically look. A lot of programs won't open maximised ever. A lot
also won't save their window position if maximised (microsoft's programs are
saving maximised state more often).

New folder windows open at 800 x 600 as a minimun size. They are not
maximised. Officially XP doesn't support screens smaller then 800x600
(mine's been at 640x480) and this 800 x 600 is new in XP. Previous versions
used the default size.

When you open a folder from a folder window the current folders window
setting's are passed to the new window. In the open command you'll see a %S
in the DDE string. This is the show command. You can replace the %S with
this number
Global Const sw_hide = 0
Global Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1
Global Const SW_NORMAL = 1
Global Const SW_MAXIMIZE = 3
Global Const SW_SHOW = 5
Global Const SW_MINIMIZE = 6
Global Const SW_SHOWNA = 8
Global Const SW_RESTORE = 9

You can also edit the saved folders settings (there's a showcmd value), it
will indeed open maximise the next time you open it. But windows will also
fix it so the next time it will be normal.

Brad Walker


I'm not referring to opening specific programs at a maximized state, I mean
*every* folder on the entire hard drive have it open at a maximized state
everytime I use/open it. Currently if I create a new folder on my desktop
for example andopen it, it opens to a 800x600 size. I want it to open to a
1024x768 screen size without having to stretch or modify the folder window
in anyway. Stretching the screen defeats the purpose I'm after.

Brad Walker

"New folder windows open at 800 x 600 as a minimun size."

Would there be anyway to change this to 1024 x 768?

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