Getting error referencing Hyperlink from code-behind


John Kotuby

Hi guys...
I must be going brain dead from working on this project for 80 hours in the
last week. I suppose that's part-time for some coders.. anyway...

I created a simple Hyperlink in a user control:

<asp:HyperLink id="lnkRefine" runat="server" >Refine Search</asp:HyperLink>

In the code behind I am trying to set the NavigateURL depending upon a
condition. I include the entire Sub since it may reveal what I am doing
Protected Sub Page_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreRender
Dim lnkRefine As HyperLink = FindControl("lnkRefine")

If Not IsDBNull(lnkRefine) Then
If strPassthru = "passthru" Then
lnkRefine.NavigateUrl =
"~/Search/SearchDetail.aspx?page=base&searchId=" & strSavedSearchID
lnkRefine.NavigateUrl = "javascript:history.go(-1)"
End If
End If

End Sub

Since the code gets past the If Not IsDBNull(lnkRefine) I assume (maybe
incorrectly) that the control was found and object reference instantiated.
On the line:

lnkRefine.NavigateUrl = "~/Search/SearchDetail.aspx?page=base&searchId=" &

I am getting the error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Any help would be appreciated... thanks

bruce barker

IsDBNull checks is the passed object is the DBNull object. if pass it a
null, it will return true. IsDBNull should only be used database
datatype classes not general classes.

-- bruce (

John Kotuby

Thanks Bruce...

I'd better not post anymore when I am brain-dead. In fact before the post I
was looking straight at an article that showed the syntax:

If Not (myControl Is Nothing) then ...

I guess I just have to find out why the control is not being found now.

Thanks again.

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