Getting DropDownList selected value



Hello all,

Through JavaScript, I add a row to a DataGrid. This new row has a number of
columns, one of which contains a SELECT control with a couple of items -
again, all done through JavaScript.

My question is, how on the page postback, in the page's codebehind, do I get
a reference to this SELECT contol so that I get the selected value.

Thanks all,


Eliyahu Goldin


Whatever you add in javascript is not available on server side unless you
pass it on there specifically.

Introduce a hidden input control and pass the selected value in it.


bruce barker \(\)

if your javascript set the name to the <select>, when posted back, your code
behind can look it up by the same name in the Request.Form collection by its
name. if you don't know the name use a pattern and loop thru the collection
looking for the name pattern.

note: if you name two (or more) controls the same, the server creates a
comma seperated list as the value in the form collection for the controls.

-- bruce (


Thats just the ticket Bruce, thanks very much!

bruce barker ( said:
if your javascript set the name to the <select>, when posted back, your code
behind can look it up by the same name in the Request.Form collection by its
name. if you don't know the name use a pattern and loop thru the collection
looking for the name pattern.

note: if you name two (or more) controls the same, the server creates a
comma seperated list as the value in the form collection for the controls.

-- bruce (

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