Getting a error message need help


Cory Murray

i am getting this earror message: 0xD1_MRVW147!. It causes my computer to
shut down or give me a blue screen. Any ideas? please help

Rick Rogers

Hi Cory,

It's a driver error for your network adapter. You need to either reinstall
the existing one or update it to a more recent release. If you recently
updated yours, then use the driver rollback process in device manager.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts

Susan Mazza

I am getting the same error as Cory. I have reinstalled the device driver
and eventually the problem comes back. Some days I have to uninstall and
reinstall the device driver multiple times because my computer loses it's
connection - says there are no networks available when I can verify there is
one. Turning off teh computer and turning it back on sometimes works but not

Is there a more permanent fix for this? Have been having problems with this
device (Marvell TOPDOG PCI Express 802.11n Wireless since I got my new
computer rfom Gateway in June of last year. Gateway has confirmed that the
hardware is working and that this is a software issue.

Please advise. Thanks you!

Susan Mazza

Rob Talley said:
On Fri, 23 Jan 2009 10:29:01 -0800, Susan Mazza <Susan

Which would be... ? We aren't mind readers, and most of us aren't
using that web interface you are using.

That was a little uncalled for - Since I put this question in a thread
initiated by Cory I thought you would know what error I am talking about.
Guess my assumption was wrong. So here it is: 0xD1_MRVW147

Can you help me now?

Rick Rogers

Hi Susan,

Gateway's correct, it's a software issue. However, they should be the ones
to address it as it's also their hardware. The problem is that the device
driver file is either not compliant with the operating system, or something
on the operating system is corrupting it. More than likely it's the first
one, and you may find a better device driver from Marvell than you will from
Gateway (OEM's tend to be several generations behind in their device driver
releases). You may find what you need here:

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts

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