Getting a datalist row



Hi all,

I have a datalist that I can put into edit then into update.

In my update datalist function, I call another function passing the
DataListCommandEventArgs which actually does the update work instead of
relying on the update (mainly because I need to control the update from
another event).

The problem I have is when I click edit, then click edit on another row
(without cancelling or updating the first row) I want to update the first
edit row before putting the next row into edit mode. This is where I call
the function that I pass the DataListCommandEventArgs to.

It is easier to explain in code...

protected void DefectListDL_EditCommand(object source,
DataListCommandEventArgs e)
if (DefectListDL.EditItemIndex >= 0)

DefectListDL.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;


As you can see, when I click edit, I check if something is already being
editted, then I want to call the update function.

However, my problem is that when I call the UpdateDefectDL, any time I try
to reference an item, it is wanting to reference the row based on the
current ItemIndex rather than the current EditItemIndex.

This is fine when I do a save on the current row, but not when I click to
edit another row.

Simplistically, if in my updatedefectdl function...

private void UpdateDefectDL(DataListCommandEventArgs e)

string MyID = ((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("DBRowIDTB")).Text


the MyID will attempt to get the item from the current ItemIndex, however, I
cannot see any way to get a specific row from the datalist. Not even if I
reference the DL directly.

(I have done the same with a gridview and that works well... I just cannot
make it work with the DataList)

Any ideas?

Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
~~ - Local franchises available

Jeff Johnson

It works... but the question still applies to C#...

Only because you happen to be using C#.
yeah, I am trying to read an ASP.NET Textbox control, but as far as I am
aware, the datalist is a generic .NET control and I was trying to read it
in a generic way.

This control is located in System.Web.UI.WebControls. I don't see what in
any way suggests that it's a "generic .NET control."

I'm not trying to chase you away; I'm trying to suggest the place where
you're likely to get the most help, and that's an ASP.NET group when your
topic is ASP.NET programming. Language is incidental in this case.

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