Get OldValue of bound field


David C

Using ASP.Net 2.0 and VS2005. I have a GridView that is bound to an
SqlDataSource and I want to get and hold the previous value of a bound
control on the row I am editing. Below is what I am trying but the
txtOldValue.Text is not getting populated. How can I get this to work
and/or is there a better way? Thanks.

Sub SubfilesGridView_RowEditing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

' Get the seq# for the row being edited.

' SeqNo is contained in the 2nd column (index 1).

Dim strseqno As String = SubfilesGridView.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).Cells(1).Text

'Put old seqno into form field

txtMsg.Text = ""

If strseqno <> "" Then

e.Cancel = True

txtOldValue.Text = strseqno


'e.Cancel = True

txtOldValue.Text = ""

End If

MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0

End Sub

Alexey Smirnov

Using ASP.Net 2.0 and VS2005. I have a GridView that is bound to an
SqlDataSource and I want to get and hold the previous value of a bound
control on the row I am editing. Below is what I am trying but the
txtOldValue.Text is not getting populated. How can I get this to work
and/or is there a better way? Thanks.

Sub SubfilesGridView_RowEditing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

' Get the seq# for the row being edited.

' SeqNo is contained in the 2nd column (index 1).

Dim strseqno As String = SubfilesGridView.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).Cells(1).Text

'Put old seqno into form field

txtMsg.Text = ""

If strseqno <> "" Then

e.Cancel = True

txtOldValue.Text = strseqno


'e.Cancel = True

txtOldValue.Text = ""

End If

MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0

End Sub

get rid of e.Cancel = True

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