Get Current Type Within Inherited Static Method



Consider the following (which may be bad architecturally speaking, but please
humor me):

public class DomainObject
public static void DeleteByID(int id)
// Type currentType = ????;
DataLayer.DeleteByID(currentType, id);

public class Order : Domain Object

If I call Order.DeleteByID(), how can I tell that it was the Order class
that was called? Because it's a static method, I can't use "this". If I use
Reflection, I can use MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, but this
gives me "DomainObject". Is there any way I can get "Order" (the inheriting
class type)?

Many Thanks,

John Duval

DrJazz said:
Consider the following (which may be bad architecturally speaking, but please
humor me):

public class DomainObject
public static void DeleteByID(int id)
// Type currentType = ????;
DataLayer.DeleteByID(currentType, id);

public class Order : Domain Object

If I call Order.DeleteByID(), how can I tell that it was the Order class
that was called? Because it's a static method, I can't use "this". If I use
Reflection, I can use MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, but this
gives me "DomainObject". Is there any way I can get "Order" (the inheriting
class type)?

Many Thanks,

Hi DrJazz,
I don't think this is possible. Calling Order.DeleteById() compiles as
DomainObject.DeleteById() so there is no way to distinguish at runtime.
You can check this w/ ildasm.


Barry Kelly

DrJazz said:
Consider the following (which may be bad architecturally speaking, but please
humor me):

public class DomainObject
public static void DeleteByID(int id)
// Type currentType = ????;
DataLayer.DeleteByID(currentType, id);

public class Order : Domain Object

If I call Order.DeleteByID(), how can I tell that it was the Order class
that was called? Because it's a static method, I can't use "this". If I use
Reflection, I can use MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, but this
gives me "DomainObject". Is there any way I can get "Order" (the inheriting
class type)?

There's no inheritance of static methods - there's only one definition.
There is a kind of inheritance of class namespace, but it compiles to
reference the one and only static method, on whatever class it was

-- Barry


That's what I thought. Thanks for the quick replies, gentlemen. I appreciate
your time.


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