Gerallt Huws

Having downloaded again the Nero Express and InCD
software, I was expecting that as previous I could once
more access the 'UDF Packet Writing' Software, so that I
could format my CD-RW disks.But no luck,it appears to
have disappeared from my system tray. Any ideas how it
could be retreived?


Thomas Wendell

Was InCD the latest version (4.0.17)? If so, then it might now be seen on
the systray. The functionality to format or erase a disk is now incorporated
into explorer.. i.e. Rclick on CD-R(W) drive and choose erase or format

Tumppi W:
Most of my answers are learned on ms.public.xxx.xxx
(W2k/XP I have no eXPerience)
Helsinki, Finland (remove spam_)

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