Generating Unique Numbers



Hi there,

I'm trying to create a process form for an ordering department in our
company that will generate a new order number in one of the cells each time a
new order is created.
Once the order is created though, I don't want the number to change until a
new order is created. Does this make sense?
I've tried looking through the forums and Googling it, but haven't been able
to find an answer.

Can anyone help me with this one,

Gary''s Student

Use two workbooks: template.xls and reserved.xls

Say A1 in Sheet1 in reserved.xls has the value 13 (any starting value will

When you create a new order using the template, open reserved.xls and get
the number 13 from there, then increment the cell in reserved.xls to 14.
This says that 13 has been already used and 14 is the next available order

This can easily be automated with a macro if you want to avoid the manual
activity of opening two workbooks.

Niek Otten

Look here:

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Hi there,
| I'm trying to create a process form for an ordering department in our
| company that will generate a new order number in one of the cells each time a
| new order is created.
| Once the order is created though, I don't want the number to change until a
| new order is created. Does this make sense?
| I've tried looking through the forums and Googling it, but haven't been able
| to find an answer.
| Can anyone help me with this one,
| Thanks!

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