Generate events...VS.NET 2005 beta1


Oscar Thornell


Can someone tell me how one should work with methods/events like Page_Load
in ASP.NET 2.0...

I can´t find a way in VS.NET to insert the methods for me...I just need to
know that there is suppose to be a method like that in ASP.NET if I need to
use it....and type it in myself...

Sounds like you have to have experience from older versions of ASP.NET in
order to develop apps for Whidbey...
There is no class hierarchy to look way of knowing which methods to
override...i.e. no support from VS.NET..the page doesn´t even have
properties I can see in VS.NET...

This stuff rely annoys me! I can see that there is some benefits with the
new compliation model...but why are MS in all their wisdom hiding everything
from me? For instance how am I suppose to set breakpoints at events I can´t


Jeffrey Palermo [MCP]

I have developed a sizable framework in ASP.NET 2.0, so I've had to deal
with the quirks of the Whidbey Beta 1 IDE. I think that the ASP.NET 2.0
newsgroup is a more appropriate place to post this question, but Page_Load
is not added automatically for you as in v1.1. What I did was type
"override ", and an intellisense menu would pop up with all virtual methods
of the base class, and hitting tab would insert the method stub for me.
Instead of writing an event handler method "Page_Load", I got in the habit
of just overriding OnLoad and calling base.OnLoad(e) before my own logic.

I also had a few annoyances with the IDE, but this is a Beta 1. A few years
ago, Microsoft did not even release anything this far before the RTM, so you
can expect quirks to be improved. If you find a bug, please log it at the
Feedback Center. I don't think getting upset is warranted for a Beta 1. I
certainly wouldn't want to be judged on my software if it wasn't finished.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Palermo

Oscar Thornell

Thanks for your reply Jeffrey!

I totally agree with you that this is a beta and that we should see
considerable improvments in the year(s) to come...I am not judging the
VS.NET environment which I regard as the best IDE on the market.

What I am concerned about though is the fact that Classes, inheritance,
attributes an so on is hidden from the developer. When .NET hit the market a
few years ago MS stated that in VB.NET the goal was to go for simplicity and
hide the more advanced plumbings into the core of .NET from the developer.
For C# and C++ everything would be shown...

I liked that approach and my experience is that the balance between what to
show and not to show has been very good in .NET. I´ll think it is contra
productive to hide everything from the developer. If that is done there must
be some very good tools in VS.NET where a developer can see(and sometimes
manipulate) the actual reletionship between Classes/Events...intelisense is
just not enough! Why can´t I see this in the Class View...the code could be
greyed out and not edible but I should be able to see it if I want to...

I am just afraid that MS is complicating things in it´s desiree to make it


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