generate a random number and use if function to generate new data



I am trying to use the rand function to generate an interger between 0-3.
Depending on the result, I'm attempting to assign a text value i.e. if
rand()*3=1,"spades","clubs". The process will work only once. When I use F9
to generate a new random number, the text value remains the same regardless
of the new result for rand()*3. How do I get Excel to generate a new text
value, based on the new random number?


Perhaps an easier way is to use randbetween within say, a vlookup with a
"standalone" table array, something like:

In any cell, say B2:

Peo Sjoblom





Peo Sjoblom

Excel 95 - Excel 2007
Northwest Excel Solutions
"It is a good thing to follow the first law of holes;
if you are in one stop digging." Lord Healey


Dogdoc1142 said:
I am trying to use the rand function to generate an interger
between 0-3.

Depending on the result, I'm attempting to assign a text
value i.e. if rand()*3=1,"spades","clubs".


Note: You do not really need int(...) in this context.
1+4*rand() will suffice.

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