Gather Data from Multiple Sheets



I use the following on one of my sheets in a workbook, and would like
to use it to analyze a different column in 8 of the other 10
worksheets. How can I modify this to do that? The column I will be
looking for data in is Column P and I am looking between a range of
dates, just like in the following example:

="Installed Revenue " & SUMPRODUCT(($L$1:$L$65086),($W$1:$W

In the above example, it is using a value from a completely different
column to get the sum of. In this case, I simply want to count, how
many rows have a date in Column P that fits between the dates in the
formula, so the result would be similar to this:

Orders Placed This Month (18)

FYI - our fiscal month is from the 22nd to the 21st of the following

Thanks in advance for your help!



I use the following on one of my sheets in a workbook, and would like
to use it to analyze a different column in 8 of the other 10
worksheets. How can I modify this to do that? The column I will be
looking for data in is Column P and I am looking between a range of
dates, just like in the following example:

="Installed Revenue  " & SUMPRODUCT(($L$1:$L$65086),($W$1:$W

In the above example, it is using a value from a completely different
column to get the sum of. In this case, I simply want to count, how
many rows have a date in Column P that fits between the dates in the
formula, so the result would be similar to this:

Orders Placed This Month (18)

FYI - our fiscal month is from the 22nd to the 21st of the following

Thanks in advance for your help!



I am not going to be using a range of dates, but actually the date in
an adjacent cell in the same row as the formula. Basically, the
forumula will be asking this question:

How many times do I find the date in A3 in the O column in sheets
2-10? I tried using a 3-D reference, but it does not allow the COUNTIF
function and I can't seem to find a work around formula-wise. I'm
thinking this can be accomplished in VB?

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