Garbled Text??


Ted Turner

Hi All,
I have a prob for you's. I was using my PC last night running XP Home and
everything was working as is should. I shut it down and then when i turn it
back on this morning, the desktop comes up, the icons are all fine but the
writing underneath is all in symbols. Triangles, shaded circles, question
marks etc. When I load IE and type into the address bar, the letters come
out as symbols as well. Every letter seems to have its own symbol. I ran a
virus check which found nothing. All menus etc are the same. Anyone ever
came across this prob. Thanks everyone.


I am having the exact same problem. I just installed XP and it was working fine until I restarted it. I am running a defragmentation on it now, but I had to start the defrag in DOS. Plan to call Microsoft support tomorrow as I have no idea of what to do next

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