


I am having trouble with game speed. My sons have tried
Americas Army but it seems to run too slowly. They also
have trouble with Age on Empires online (they get a
little green turtle) and Battlefield 1942. I have checked
for updates to our " SiS 650 Rav OO " video
chip/display , and tried to run troubleshooting but it
appears our winmgmt is turned off and I cannot turn it
back on (I don't know how). I am also having trouble with
my windows user interface and these things seem to
possibly be interfering with the game or troubleshooting
it. What can I do to get my computer to run faster for
the games. I have an 80 gig hard drive and 960 MB ram
running with XP Home edition. I have also ran all the
updates from the microsoft site. Thank You if you can


Your trying to play some very graphic intensive games and your SiS 650 Rav
OO is just about good enough to play mine sweeper on. Invest in a good
graphics card. Like a GeForce 4TI series or FX series 5600 and above or ATI
9600pro and above should do you just fine. IMO

Chris H.

Check in Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services to see whether or not
Windows Management Instrumentation is set to Automatic and Started. On the
graphics problem, if you're running onboard graphics, it may not be powerful
enough to handle the advanced video depiction in games. I would investigate
your system to see what you have, and then compare that to the graphics
requirements of the games.


Thank you. I was able to set my WMI to "started" with the
help of your other staff support and I haved finally
found that the graphics card does not have the memory
required and is also unsupported by "Americas Army". I'm
still not sure how Battlield 1942 played on my other
computer then stopped . I will just turn this computer
into my game computer though. Thanks Again,

Chris H.

Good for you, Randy. Sometimes we need to know what our computers consist
of in the hardware department, then look on the outside of the retail boxes
for the system requirements listing before putting our money down. :cool:
BTW - the MVPs who help in here aren't "support staff," we're just users
like you who voluntarily try to figure things out. You can read about MVPs

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