game trouble



I just purchased an rpg called Neverwinter Nights,
Hoardes of the Underdark, developed by Bioware. The game
loaded just fine and I started playing. After an hour or
so of playing the game started slowing down. The graphics
were ok, but the text box took 5 to 10 seconds to respond
to whatever I clicked on. When I quit the game, I found
that my pc had also slowed down, It took much longer to
bring up a screen, and I finally had to refresh my
control panel and my windows explorer before things got
back to normal. Please tell me what I can do to fix this
problem. Thanks. Jane

Stephen Keen [MS]

Hi Jane,
Sounds like a memory leak, could be the game or it could be a problem
somewhere in windows. Visit windows update for needed files and visit
Biosware for any patches they have made. This may resolve your problem. It
may also be applications you have running in the background, such as spyware
or virus scanning.

Thanks for your post!

Yves Leclerc

Also, update your video drivers, sound drivers and motherboard chipset


Stephen Keen said:
Hi Jane,
Sounds like a memory leak, could be the game or it could be a problem
somewhere in windows. Visit windows update for needed files and visit
Biosware for any patches they have made. This may resolve your problem. It
may also be applications you have running in the background, such as spyware
or virus scanning.

Thanks for your post!
Stephen Keen [MS] This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warrenties, and
confirs no rights.

Jane said:
I just purchased an rpg called Neverwinter Nights,
Hoardes of the Underdark, developed by Bioware. The game
loaded just fine and I started playing. After an hour or
so of playing the game started slowing down. The graphics
were ok, but the text box took 5 to 10 seconds to respond
to whatever I clicked on. When I quit the game, I found
that my pc had also slowed down, It took much longer to
bring up a screen, and I finally had to refresh my
control panel and my windows explorer before things got
back to normal. Please tell me what I can do to fix this
problem. Thanks. Jane

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