Game port to USB connection problem.


Robert Kelley

I have a Microsoft Sidewinder Forcefeedback Pro 3.0
I am trying to us a Belkin Gamport to USB adapter to
use this under Windows XP Home edition.

After many hours, I finally got XP to recognize that
the Joystick existed. However; when I try to add
I get an ERROR 10 ... could not load driver..
I have checked the connection and the USB ports.
All are functioning.
Can someone please tell me the correct way to get my
joystick attached and running ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

Usually not possible. The actual joystick does not have the correct
hardware ID in its information to be correctly identified by the USB
controller on your PC. The USB controller simply cannot identify what is
connecting to it.

If you have indeed reached the point where it can be recognized correctly,
then you simple go the the Control Panel, click on Game Controllers and use
the AutoDetect feature.

Two much easier solutions:

Purchase a separate soundcard for your PC with a gameport controller built
in. Attach the joystick to the gameport and use the AutoDetect feature as
Purchase a new USB joystick, designed to be recognized correctly by the USB
controllers and comes with the correct software for a USB port - and
remember to install the software BEFORE connecting the joystick to the PC.


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