game minimizes



paul, have you gotten any responses??? I am having the
same issue, but with "all" my games , I believe i saw
somewhere that the loading of the movie at the beginning
of the game is what is failing and never allowing you to
continue to the start of the game. there was a patch in
the xp patches that was suppose to address it, but it
didnt with mine... this all started "after" i patched it a
few months ago, so something MS put out in the patches
caused the problem (if i cant get an answer, im tempted to
scratch the O/S and leave it unpatched as a gaming
platform only) ... let me know... too bad no one from MS
seems to read these and provide feedback) typical MS spt...
-----Original Message-----
before I start, let me say I have ALL of the Windows Update XP updates.

for some reason, this error randomly occurs but is also
very frequent. when I try to open a game, the game acts
like it is loading, then minimizes before the company
logos pops up. it gets stuck at minimize, and when I try
to maximize nothing happens. sometimes turning my pc off,
then loading it back up will temporarily fix this for some
weird reason. it also randomly happens with other games. I
suspect it has something to do with direct3D, because when
I test direct3D from the DirectX Diagnostic Tool it
minimizes the video test just like what happens with my
games and says I cancelled it because I pressed a key,
however I didn't press anything. anyway, this problem
happens randomly with all games, but happens frequently.


oz...thats EXACTLY what is happening with me!!! I
installed that patch, and NOW I have the problem. what
the heck??? I've uninstalled it to no avail. I'll
definitely let you know if I hear anything, though.


Hey Paul, Oz,

Have you been here?
It's comprehensive.....

Which version are you running? 8.1. 9.0, 9.0a?
Have you cruised any of the game's websites? To see if there are known
issues? I realize you think it's all about Directx (and based on what info
you included, I'd be inclined to agree), but maybe someone posted the exact
fix you need - but just that the game's forum..... that's helped me out

Good luck,
-Lawrence in Seattle


Guys, If I were you, I'd do a system restore to a point
before you did your updates. I may be in the minority
around here, but why are you fixing something that
apparently is not broken? I've never updated XP and never
had a problem. You could try different drivers for your
video cards, but thats no guarantee either.


because, the same reason all of you should, the security
holes left open in the o/s must be patched to ensure your
system is not vulnerable... but ... they also include
other "features" that arent apart of those "fixes" like a
bill on capital hill and sometimes they screw things up
worse... which is the case we are dealing w/ so yes, as i
mentioned in my previous email, i will assume that as well
and frag and restart w/out patches and leave it as a game
system... way to go MS ... typical solutions ... why they
get nailed in the tech regs everyday....


ps. for that "link' that's for MS games... not to solve
gaming issues ... again typical MS, wouldnt want to talk
about anyone else's s/w ...


youre right it is!! ;) 9.0a like i said i got the "works"
put on from the "center" but im still having an issue..
one of the patches says "it handles a game
playing "failure" issue but apparently not... like i said
not sure if it's dir9.x or if it's a "patch" on the sys
that's doing it... but if MS cant respond w/ the problem
solution, im taking it back to sq. 1 ... pain in the ass...


If you're worried about patching for security issues, just
install those with nothing else. You can pick and choose
what you really want and not install everything
My reasonning for not updating is that MS is just like
any other software developer/publisher. While they MAY all
have good intentions the fact is that games and other
software are released with bugs constantly. Then you can
patch it and have other issues. Therefore, if it runs good
and is not causing me any problems, I prefer to leave it

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