Fuzzy Screen



My monitor just became a tad fuzzy. In fact not really fuzzy but just not
Crisp. It is not bad but it is noticeable. I could swear it happened right
after I downloaded the new windows explorer, but I can say for sure. Any

Tom Porterfield

Chris said:
My monitor just became a tad fuzzy. In fact not really fuzzy but just not
Crisp. It is not bad but it is noticeable. I could swear it happened right
after I downloaded the new windows explorer, but I can say for sure. Any

I assume you mean the new Internet Explorer. IE7 turns on clear type by
default. You can try the clear type tuning tool at
http://www.microsoft.com/typography/cleartype/tuner/Step1.aspx. If after
running that you are still not happy with the results, you can turn this of
in IE. In IE7 go to Tools->Internet Options, Advanced tab. Under
Multimedia remove the check from "Always use ClearType for HTML". You will
need to shut down IE in order for the change to be picked up.


I don't know what kind of monitor you have but if it's an LCD it could be the
focus. I have an Acer widescreen and sometimes some programs cause it to get
a little "fuzzy." But by going into the monitor settings (buttons directly on
the monitor) I was able to clean this up. On mine the icons appear as
vertical and horizontal lines.

Like I said I have no idea if this is your problem but it could be. If you
have a second monitor try plugging that one in. It'll help isolate the
problem (monitor vs. desktop).

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