Funny Noises




I'm pretty new to PC stuff, so here goes. I've got
Windows XP Home Edition but since I recently got
broadband internet access I keep getting strange noises
when I use the PC. Its like dinging and zinging noises
you get when people enter or leave a chat room. At first
I thought it might be caused by pop ups from using Kazaa,
however it doesn't matter what programme I'm in, coz I'm
always connected to the net I keep getting these noises.
Anyone able to suggest something or help ion any way. I'd
be most grateful as its driving me maddddddddddd...opps
there goes another zing!!!!!


Rob Schneider

dave said:

I'm pretty new to PC stuff, so here goes. I've got
Windows XP Home Edition but since I recently got
broadband internet access I keep getting strange noises
when I use the PC. Its like dinging and zinging noises
you get when people enter or leave a chat room. At first
I thought it might be caused by pop ups from using Kazaa,
however it doesn't matter what programme I'm in, coz I'm
always connected to the net I keep getting these noises.
Anyone able to suggest something or help ion any way. I'd
be most grateful as its driving me maddddddddddd...opps
there goes another zing!!!!!


As you are "pretty new" i have to ask since you don't mention: Is there
a firewall on the broadband internet connection? Have you got anti-virus
software running? Have you installed all windows updates? If "no" to
any or oall of these, odds are your machine is infected with computer
worms and viruses. Also kazaa is a very non-secure thing to do since
you are probably granting everyone and their brother access to your
computer's hard disk and so many bad things can happen to your computer
as a result.

Look at Task Manager ctrl-shift-esc and see which processes might be
nefarious and are the root cause.

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