Function Pointers, Delegates, Legacy Code...and some sympathy


Mark Olbert

First off, the sympathy is for all you poor buggers out there who have to figure out how to marry
Managed Extensions for C++ onto your legacy code. My condolences; my brief experience with the
process leads me to believe the Microsoft hates all of its VC++ developers :)

Now, the question. I'm getting a NullReferenceException in a __gc class that wraps functionality in
a legacy C/C++ app (it's actually part of the Nero burning rom api).

The legacy API expects to be given a configuration structure that contains, among other things, a
pair of function pointers which the codebase calls at various times. After much hair-pulling, I came
up with the following:

__delegate bool IdleCallbackHandler( void* pUserData );
__delegate NeroUserDlgInOut UserDialogCallbackHandler( void* pUserData, NeroUserDlgInOut type, void*
data );

__gc public struct NeroIdleCallback
IdleCallbackHandler* ncCallbackFunction;
void* ncUserData;

__gc public struct NeroUserDialogCallback
UserDialogCallbackHandler* ncCallbackFunction;
void* ncUserData;

__gc public struct NeroSettings
const char *nstNeroFilesPath;
const char *nstVendor, *nstSoftware;
const char *nstLanguageFile;
NeroIdleCallback* nstIdle;
NeroUserDialogCallback* nstUserDialog;
bool nstEnableOverburn;
DWORD nstOverburnSize;

I configure this structure, and the callback substructures, in the constructor of my wrapper class
as follows:

theSettings = new NeroSettings();
theSettings->nstNeroFilesPath = "NeroFiles";
theSettings->nstLanguageFile = "Nero.txt";

theSettings->nstEnableOverburn = false;
theSettings->nstOverburnSize = 0;

theSettings->nstIdle = new NeroIdleCallback();
theSettings->nstIdle->ncCallbackFunction = new IdleCallbackHandler(this, &Nero::FireIdleEvent);
theSettings->nstIdle->ncUserData = idleData;

theSettings->nstUserDialog = new NeroUserDialogCallback();
theSettings->nstUserDialog->ncCallbackFunction = new UserDialogCallbackHandler(this,
theSettings->nstUserDialog->ncUserData = userdlgData;

theSettings->nstVendor = "ahead";
theSettings->nstSoftware = "Nero - Burning Rom";

Everything works fine during initialization, and in retrieving certain basic information from the
legacy codebase.

But when I call a legacy function that triggers the IdleCallback, I get the NullReferenceException:

void AvailableDrives( NERO_MEDIA_TYPE mtFlags )
// this next line blows up... but the IdleCallback gets called first
NERO_SCSI_DEVICE_INFOS* drives = NeroGetAvailableDrivesEx(MEDIA_CD, NULL);

The interesting part is the part mentioned in that comment: the IdleCallback method gets called,
and returns, but then the exception gets thrown.

And what's really interesting is that setting the ncCallbackFunction delegate/function pointer to
NULL in the NeroIdleCallback structure -- which forces the legacy codebase to NOT call the
IdleCallback -- avoids the exception.

Sorry for being so long-winded.

What I'm wondering is, am I handling the function pointer concept correctly here? Is it possible
that I've done something wrong so that when the callback returns, it tries to return to a place that
doesn't exist?

- Mark

Ernesto Bascón

Hi Mark:

The idea is to write an inner __nogc class inside our __gc class. The inner
class will contain the callback function (as a static method).

This article was very helpful to me:

Best regards


First off, the sympathy is for all you poor buggers out there who have to figure out how to marry
Managed Extensions for C++ onto your legacy code. My condolences; my brief experience with the
process leads me to believe the Microsoft hates all of its VC++ developers :)

Now, the question. I'm getting a NullReferenceException in a __gc class that wraps functionality in
a legacy C/C++ app (it's actually part of the Nero burning rom api).

The legacy API expects to be given a configuration structure that
contains, among other things, a
pair of function pointers which the codebase calls at various times. After much hair-pulling, I came
up with the following:

__delegate bool IdleCallbackHandler( void* pUserData );
__delegate NeroUserDlgInOut UserDialogCallbackHandler( void* pUserData, NeroUserDlgInOut type, void*
data );

__gc public struct NeroIdleCallback
IdleCallbackHandler* ncCallbackFunction;
void* ncUserData;

__gc public struct NeroUserDialogCallback
UserDialogCallbackHandler* ncCallbackFunction;
void* ncUserData;

__gc public struct NeroSettings
const char *nstNeroFilesPath;
const char *nstVendor, *nstSoftware;
const char *nstLanguageFile;
NeroIdleCallback* nstIdle;
NeroUserDialogCallback* nstUserDialog;
bool nstEnableOverburn;
DWORD nstOverburnSize;

I configure this structure, and the callback substructures, in the
constructor of my wrapper class
as follows:

theSettings = new NeroSettings();
theSettings->nstNeroFilesPath = "NeroFiles";
theSettings->nstLanguageFile = "Nero.txt";

theSettings->nstEnableOverburn = false;
theSettings->nstOverburnSize = 0;

theSettings->nstIdle = new NeroIdleCallback();
theSettings->nstIdle->ncCallbackFunction = new IdleCallbackHandler(this, &Nero::FireIdleEvent);
theSettings->nstIdle->ncUserData = idleData;

theSettings->nstUserDialog = new NeroUserDialogCallback();
theSettings->nstUserDialog->ncCallbackFunction = new UserDialogCallbackHandler(this,
theSettings->nstUserDialog->ncUserData = userdlgData;

theSettings->nstVendor = "ahead";
theSettings->nstSoftware = "Nero - Burning Rom";

Everything works fine during initialization, and in retrieving certain basic information from the
legacy codebase.

But when I call a legacy function that triggers the IdleCallback, I get the NullReferenceException:

void AvailableDrives( NERO_MEDIA_TYPE mtFlags )
// this next line blows up... but the IdleCallback gets called first
NERO_SCSI_DEVICE_INFOS* drives = NeroGetAvailableDrivesEx(MEDIA_CD, NULL);

The interesting part is the part mentioned in that comment: the
IdleCallback method gets called,